Solved Nametags gone When players join

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Feb 1, 2017
Okay so I have a nametag script.
About a month ago, It used to work. But now, its Glitchy. I log in with both of my accounts and I cannot see my other accounts nametag (name above head) with the prefix. Then i reload the script, log out with both of my accounts and then it shows. This doesn't always work though. Sometimes it shows sometimes it doesn't

Does anyone know why this happens?

on load:
    create nametag "Staff"
    set prefix of nametag "Staff" to "&4&LSTAFF&r &5"

on join:
    player has permission "staff.skript.see"
    add player to nametag "Staff"
Use this in the on join event:
make all players see player's prefix as "&4&LSTAFF&r &5"
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@WheezyGold7931 It kinda works.
I don't know what is going on. I join, and then the other players nametag is gone same with their scoreboard.
The scoreboard is Skript or Java?
And if the scoreboard is in Skript, you use "%player%" or "%uuid of player%"? in the code.
@Kenmah @WheezyGold7931 I'm using Skript and I'm not using %player% or %uuid of player%. I'm using &f%{_p}'s name%

Also, I did more testing and i found out if i do /sk disable nametag, it fixes scoreboard. So
nametags for some reason make the scoreboards glitchy?

@Kenmah @WheezyGold7931 Is there any alternatives? I don't want to use Skelett Nametags anymore (or whatever addon this is from)

This one is too glitchy.
Is for the "%{_p}'s name%" this detect the current display name of the player (colors and others), Try using "%uuid of {_p}%".

Note: Skellet is a best addon, don't have a lot of glitchs.
@Kenmah Duud nothing is wrong with my scoreboard
Skelett Nametags mess it up. I disabled Nametags and my scoreboard worked
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But not is a problem from Skellet, is what you don't solved your errors and use the excuse "Is glitchy" ...
@Kenmah @WheezyGold7931 I added this:

on join:
    make all players see player's prefix as "&4&LSTAFF&r &5"

And the Scoreboads dissapear
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@Kenmah ?

You dont get it. i join, and the other players nametag gets removed
[doublepost=1494877396,1494859224][/doublepost]@Kenmah Also "%uuid of {_p}%" just shows uuid in scoreboard not normal name -.-
[doublepost=1494877442][/doublepost]@Kenmah @WheezyGold7931 I added this:

on join:
    make all players see player's prefix as "&4&LSTAFF&r &5"

and reloaded script. Now when i join, all scoreboards are just gone!!!!

[doublepost=1494877856][/doublepost]what do i do..
What version are you on?
@Charles I'm using
Skript 2.2 Dev 25
Spigot 1.8.9
Skelett (Latest)
SkelettProxy (Latest)
Note: Skellet is a best addon, don't have a lot of glitchs.
That's by far not true. Not gonna argue about it here though.

What's your issue exactly? Which scoreboards are gone when you relog? A sidebar one? If so then it's because you can't have more than one scoreboard per player, that makes one scoreboard overlap the another one.

"What's your issue exactly?"
My issue is that when i add this nametag script into my server, it works, but i join and the other player's scoreboard just goes away like gets deleted. And when i remove this nametag script, everything goes back to normal and the scoreboards (stylish scoreboards) are working.

"Which scoreboards are gone when you relog?"
The Skelett Stylish scoreboard dissapears for me when my other account logs into the server.

"A sidebar one?"
Yes. Skelett Stylish Scoreboard!

"If so then it's because you can't have more than one scoreboard per player, that makes one scoreboard overlap the another one."
No. Scoreboards work, they only get glitchy after i add this nametag script.

More Info
Spigot 1.8.9, Skelett (Latest), Skript 2.2 dev 25
"If so then it's because you can't have more than one scoreboard per player, that makes one scoreboard overlap the another one."
No. Scoreboards work, they only get glitchy after i add this nametag script.

More Info
Spigot 1.8.9, Skelett (Latest), Skript 2.2 dev 25
That's it, nametags uses teams, which needs of a scoreboard, that's why this script is being "glitchy", the scoreboard of the nametag is overlapping the sidebar one (or viceversa).
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How did MCR do it then.......................................................
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