Hi im working on a sell system. im working on Minecraft 1.20 and using SkBee, skript api, skrayfall and skript-guis.
But on my scoreboard when you gain money it doesnt update.
On join:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set {bal::%uuid of player%} to 100
every 1 ticks:
loop all players:
set title of loop-player's scoreboard to "&6BISNES"
set line 6 of loop-player's scoreboard to " "
set line 5 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&aRahatilanne: &6%{bal::%uuid of loop-player%}%€"
command /bal:
send "%{bal::%uuid of player%}%" to player #There are no tabs those are in the skript but they are lagging
But on my scoreboard when you gain money it doesnt update.
On join:
if {bal::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set {bal::%uuid of player%} to 100
every 1 ticks:
loop all players:
set title of loop-player's scoreboard to "&6BISNES"
set line 6 of loop-player's scoreboard to " "
set line 5 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&aRahatilanne: &6%{bal::%uuid of loop-player%}%€"
command /bal:
send "%{bal::%uuid of player%}%" to player #There are no tabs those are in the skript but they are lagging
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