Solved Multiple lines in lore not working.

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Apr 10, 2019
Hi i am currently writing a skript with a gui menu, where i would like to have a item with multiple lines in the lore. I googled myself to that i should use || But this does not work for me, ingame it just stays as one line and replaces the || with ::. Here is the line i am using for lore:
set {_lore} to "&9Små:&7%{plotmines.small.%player%}%||&9Mellem:&7%{plotmines.medium.%player%}% || &9Store:&7%{plotmines.big.%player%}%"
Hi i am currently writing a skript with a gui menu, where i would like to have a item with multiple lines in the lore. I googled myself to that i should use || But this does not work for me, ingame it just stays as one line and replaces the || with ::. Here is the line i am using for lore:
set {_lore} to "&9Små:&7%{plotmines.small.%player%}%||&9Mellem:&7%{plotmines.medium.%player%}% || &9Store:&7%{plotmines.big.%player%}%"
set {_item} to potion bottle named "&cName of item"
set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "line 1"
set line 2 of lore of {_item} to "line 2"
set slot 0 of player's current inventory to {_item}
[doublepost=1555276042,1555275856][/doublepost]In your case:
set {_item} to diamond pickaxe
set line 1 of lore of {_item} to "&9Små:&7%{plotmines.small.%player%}%"
set line 2 of lore of {_item} to "&9Mellem:&7%{plotmines.medium.%player%}%"
set line 3 of lore of {_item} to "&9Store:&7%{plotmines.big.%player%}%"
set slot (number of slot) of player's current inventory to {_item}
Hi i am currently writing a skript with a gui menu, where i would like to have a item with multiple lines in the lore. I googled myself to that i should use || But this does not work for me, ingame it just stays as one line and replaces the || with ::. Here is the line i am using for lore:
set {_lore} to "&9Små:&7%{plotmines.small.%player%}%||&9Mellem:&7%{plotmines.medium.%player%}% || &9Store:&7%{plotmines.big.%player%}%"
To do it that way you need skQuery-Lime 3.6.1 (not higher as that lore expression was removed)

If you are using Skript 2.3.x it now has built in lore
set {_lore::*} to "blah", "Blah" and "blahblah"
How would i do it with format item since i am using that to make the items unstealable.
so use this method
set {_lore::*} to "blah", "Blah" and "blahblah"
then in your code you can do things like

set player's tool to diamond sword named "Sword" with lore {_lore::*}
Thank alot guys! that last one worked Shane. While we are going could you answer a question for me? :emoji_slight_smile:
I have been wondering if there is anyway to have the same command in one skript. Becuase when i have /plotmine give and /plotmine reset in the same skript it says i cannot use the same command.
You can't do that, you will need 1 command with args:
command /plotmine:
        if arg-1 = "give":
            do stuff here
        else if arg-1 = "reset":
            do stuff here
Ok, thanks alot that has been on my mind for osm time i have been using it as /plotminereset and /plotminegive xD
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