Minecraft Team System

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Jun 16, 2024
Hey there!

I am making an event and I need help setting up a simple command called /teamassign where you can assign players to a team, the command should look something like this: "/team assign <team> <player>" and then it broadcasts something like "(Player) has joined team (team name)".

The teams for it and their respective team names are here:
Red Robins - red
Amber Angelfish - amber
Yellow Yabbies - yellow
Lime Lizards - lime
Green Giraffes - green
Teal Tanagers - teal
Cyan Cichlids - cyan
Blue Birds - blue
Magenta Macaws - magenta
Pink Pigeons - pink

If possible I'd also like for them to be added to a variable where it goes up and down with each team member added.
If thats not possible, it would still be fine
command /team assign <text>
    if arg-1 is "red"
      set {player.%uuid of player%} to player
      add 1 to {numberred} #this variable is how many players have joined
      add {player.%uuid of player%} to {teamred}
      broadcast "%{player.%uuid of player%}% has just joined the Red Robbins!"