Making Numbers To Letters

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Mar 4, 2024
I have a mob skript that has a billion hp and how can i make it say 1 b instend of 1000000000 the code:

command /devp:
open chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cDev Panel" to player
wait 1 tick
set slot 0 of player's current inventory to stone named "&aZombie"

on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&cDev Panel":
if index of event-slot is 0:
summon zombie at location of player
set max health of last spawned mob to 10000
set health of last spawned entity to 10000
set {_mhp} to maximum health of last spawned entity
set {_hp} to health of last spawned entity
set display name of last spawned mob to "&cZombie &a%{_hp}%&f/&a%{_mhp}%"
cancel event

on damage of zombie:
if display name of victim contains "&cZombie ":
set {_hp} to health of victim
set {_mhp} to maximum health of victim
set display name of victim to "&cZombie &a%{_hp}%&f/&a%{_mhp}%"
I have a mob skript that has a billion hp and how can i make it say 1 b instend of 1000000000 the code:

command /devp:
open chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cDev Panel" to player
wait 1 tick
set slot 0 of player's current inventory to stone named "&aZombie"

on inventory click:
if name of event-inventory is "&cDev Panel":
if index of event-slot is 0:
summon zombie at location of player
set max health of last spawned mob to 10000
set health of last spawned entity to 10000
set {_mhp} to maximum health of last spawned entity
set {_hp} to health of last spawned entity
set display name of last spawned mob to "&cZombie &a%{_hp}%&f/&a%{_mhp}%"
cancel event

on damage of zombie:
if display name of victim contains "&cZombie ":
set {_hp} to health of victim
set {_mhp} to maximum health of victim
set display name of victim to "&cZombie &a%{_hp}%&f/&a%{_mhp}%"
To do this, you should use a function that takes a number and returns a text value based on data. You can then split that data (Given it's one text component) and do a bit of math to determine what abbreviation to give the number,

function f(n: number) :: text:
    set {_data} to "QT,18|Q,15|T,12|B,9|M,6|k,3" # Defines abbreviations, the number is how many zeroes
    loop split {_data} at "|": # Splits the data nicely
        set {_s::*} to split loop-value at "," # Removes commas
        {_n} >= 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number
        return "%{_n} / 10 ^ {_s::2} parsed as number%%{_s::1}%" 
    return "%{_n}%" # Returns the abbreviated number

Keep in mind, ONLY use this in text otherwise your code won't understand how to add/remove "1B" to a variable.