Loop-Entity issue

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Active Member
Dec 19, 2023
Hello. i have a half my script here, and it says an error in "set {_PEL} to location of looped-entity"

on right click:
    if name of player's tool contains "&fBlaze Storm":
        if {blazestorm.%player's uuid%} is not set:
            set {blazestorm.%player's uuid%} to 60
            set {_PE} to position of player
            loop entities in radius 10 around {_PE}:
                set {_PEL} to location of looped-entity
                set {_PELA} to location 5 meters above {_PEL}
Hello. i have a half my script here, and it says an error in "set {_PEL} to location of looped-entity"

on right click:
    if name of player's tool contains "&fBlaze Storm":
        if {blazestorm.%player's uuid%} is not set:
            set {blazestorm.%player's uuid%} to 60
            set {_PE} to position of player
            loop entities in radius 10 around {_PE}:
                set {_PEL} to location of looped-entity
                set {_PELA} to location 5 meters above {_PEL}
Hello! I've ran into this issue before too. The easiest way to fix this is to consider different script variables and what a location is. The variable you're currently using to try and set the location can only hold one value. A location in script contains at least three values, the X, Y and Z position. To store those values change {_PE}, {_PEL} and {_PELA} to list variables (Click out link on how to use list variables if needed).
Can u tell What you mean in it?
Your variable, {_PEL} can only store a singular value. Like any number or text. You’re trying to store an entire location into that variable which includes at least three different numbers. Which is why you should use a list variable, that can save as much info as you want.
Your variable, {_PEL} can only store a singular value. Like any number or text. You’re trying to store an entire location into that variable which includes at least three different numbers. Which is why you should use a list variable, that can save as much info as you want.
its not an error in the {_pel} ..., its in the looped-entity if i change it to player, it will work