Levelling System - Mines

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Jun 28, 2023
Hello. I am requesting a Skript made for levelling up in a Mines Server. Here are the necessary information to create this Skript:
Level 1 - eco give <user> 20, lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 50 Blocks
Level 2 - eco give <user> 50, lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 100 Blocks
Level 3-4: None. Condition: To level up, you must mine 50 blocks per level.
Level 5 - eco give <user> 200, lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 400 Blocks
Level 10 - eco give <user> 300, lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 700 Blocks
Level 15 - lp user parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 1400 Blocks
Level 20 - eco give <user> 1000, lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 5000 Blocks
Level 25 - lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 10000 Blocks
Level 40 - lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 50000 Blocks
Level 50 - lp user <user> parent add <rank> Condition: Mined 100000 Blocks

/level - Shows your current level.
/levels - Shows available levels.

Placeholders: %prisonmines_blocks_mined%
Plugins: PrisonMines

Thank you, (I am broke I can't pay any money)