Solved Last player standing.

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May 5, 2018
Okay, so, I'm making a minigame for my server and I need help finding the last player standing in the arena. I already have it where they will teleport to the spawn when they die, I just need it to find if there is only one player in the arena world, it can execute some things. Thank you!

                    set {} to true
                    loop all players:
                        teleport loop-player to spawn of "./maps/%arg-2%/default"
                        set {%loop-player%.ingame} to true
                        send "&6&l&m=============================================" to loop-player
                        send "&6Game - &7Fighter Mania" to loop-player
                        send "&6Map - &7Default Map" to loop-player
                        send "&6 " to loop-player
                        send "&6Game Information" to loop-player
                        send "&eFree for all!"
                        send "&eFight your enemies to their death."
                        send "&eLast player standing wins!"
                        send "&c&lWARNING: &cThe arcade is in beta! Expect some bugs." to loop-player
                        send "&6&l&m=============================================" to loop-player
                        give loop-player 1 iron helmet named "&6&lHelmet &8(Equip)"
                        give loop-player 1 iron chestplate named "&6&lChestplate &8(Equip)"
                        give loop-player 1 iron leggings named "&6&lLeggings &8(Equip)"
                        give loop-player 1 iron boots named "&6&lBoots &8(Equip)"
                        give loop-player 1 stone sword named "&6&lSword"
                        wait 2 seconds
                        send "&6Game> &7A 10 second grace period has started!" to loop-player
                        wait 10 seconds
                        send "&6Game> &7The grace period has ended. Start fighting!"
                        set {pvp.enabled} to true
                        #Find last player standing...
                        #Whenever I add a last player standing thing, game will end (code below)
                        wait 2 seconds
                        set {pvp.enabled} to false
                        set {%loop-player%.ingame} to false
                        send "&6&l&m=============================================" to loop-player
                        send "&6&lGame Ended!" to loop-player
                        send "&aReturning to the waiting area..." to loop-player
                        send "&6&l&m=============================================" to loop-player
                        teleport loop-player to spawn of "./arcadelobby"
Actually I would add all the player's to a list at the beginning. And with a "on death of player" event just remove them. If the size of the list is 1 you will have your last player standing

on join:
    add player to {alive::*}
on death of player:
    remove player from {alive::*}
    if size of {alive::*} is less than 2:
        loop {alive::*}:
            broadcast "The winner is %loop-value%"
on quit:
    remove player from {alive::*}
    if size of {alive::*} is less than 2:
        loop {alive::*}:
            broadcast "The winner is %loop-value%"
Actually I would add all the player's to a list at the beginning. And with a "on death of player" event just remove them. If the size of the list is 1 you will have your last player standing

on join:
    add player to {alive::*}
on death of player:
    remove player from {alive::*}
    if size of {alive::*} is less than 2:
        loop {alive::*}:
            broadcast "The winner is %loop-value%"
on quit:
    remove player from {alive::*}
    if size of {alive::*} is less than 2:
        loop {alive::*}:
            broadcast "The winner is %loop-value%"
Thank you!
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