armor stands

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Active Member
Sep 4, 2023
so i have a skript thats about right click an armor stand and it tele ports you to the armor stand and keeps your from moving but when you right click it lets you move any help? (use a variable so i can detect if they are frozen or not) ty!
Is everything but perfect, but everything can be perfected.

Attention to "every 1 ticks:" can be very laggy.
i put sneak to disable that thing.

on rightclick on a armor stand:
    teleport player to event-location
    set {armorstand::%player's uuid%::entity} to clicked entity
    set {armorstand::%player's uuid%::location} to event-location
    set {armorstand::%player's uuid%::bool} to 1
    make {armorstand::%player's uuid%::entity} invisible

on sneak toggle:
    if {armorstand::%player's uuid%::bool} is 1:
        set {armorstand::%player's uuid%::bool} to 0
        make {armorstand::%player's uuid%::entity} visible

every 1 ticks:
    loop all players:
        if {armorstand::%loop-player's uuid%::bool} is 1:
            teleport loop-player to {armorstand::%loop-player's uuid%::location}

add on stop:
delete {armorstand::*}


Later Edit:

set player's walk speed to 0
on jump:
if {variable} is 1:
cancel event

But here can watch wherever they want
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