increase a variable for all players

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Jan 31, 2024
every 1 second:
if {TokenCounter} is true:
loop all players in world "arena":
if {ArenaGo} is true:
set {TokenCounter} to false
set {Tokens.%player's uuid%} to 25
send "§a+25 Tokens" to loop-players
send "§c§LNEXT WAVE ARRIVING IN 20 SECONDS" to loop-players
wait 20 seconds
this code doesnt work.It only send the messages and increases the tokens uuid for 1 player.Ive tried players in the world "arena"(name of the world this happens in) but it doesnt work for uuids and gets an error.How to fix/write this differently to work?
It should be {Tokens::%uuid of loop-player%}
the colons work but I've encountered a lot of problems with using the periods instead of colons.
Try: {Tokens::%loop-player's uuid%}. You will need to use loop-player regardless for it to potentially work because otherwise it doesn't register that it's for all looped players. Also, just FYI but you'll want to avoid looping/doing things every second via Skript as that can bring down performance. If you're able to find a way around it, it'll cause your server to have way better performance (This is also why if you've seen code for sidebars/titles, they're never looped every second but instead updated via a function when the value changes).