in-game command maker

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Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
So I'm trying to make a command where you can make little commands like -hello or -diamond. And I have a good idea for it.

My code is:

command /command [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: command.maker
permission message: "&4You can not run this command!"
if arg-1 is "create":
set {_command} to "-%arg-2%"
set {_command.%arg-2%.output} to arg-3
if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "%{_command}%%nl%":
send "&4That command already exists!" to player
add "%{_command}%%nl%" to {command.list::*}
send "&aCreated command -%{_command}%" to player
if arg-1 is "list":
send "&b%{_command.list::*}%" to player
if arg-1 is "clear":
set {command.list::*} to ""
send "&bReset all commands" to player

on chat:
cancel event
if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "-%{_command}%%nl%":
set {_message} to last (length of {_message} - 1) characters of message
make server execute command "/function %{_command.%{_message}%.output}%"
loop all players:
send "<%player%> %message%" to loop-players

It is registering commands but not executing them. Please help
Better code:
command /command [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: command.maker
    permission message: "&4You can not run this command!"
        if arg-1 is "create":
            set {_command} to "-%arg-2%"
            set {_command.%arg-2%.output} to arg-3
            if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "%{_command}%%nl%":
                send "&4That command already exists!" to player
                add "%{_command}%%nl%" to {command.list::*}
                send "&aCreated command -%{_command}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "list":
            send "&b%{_command.list::*}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "clear":
            set {command.list::*} to ""
            send "&bReset all commands" to player

on chat:
    cancel event
    if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "-%{_command}%%nl%":
        set {_message} to last (length of {_message} - 1) characters of message
        make server execute command "/function %{_command.%{_message}%.output}%"
        loop all players:
            send "<%player%> %message%" to loop-players
Right off the bat, I can see that the type of variable you’re using for the type of command is likely not one you’ll want to use. {_command} will only be saved in the lines of code it’s used. So if you were to send “%{_command}%” on the On Chat event, it will print <none> since it won’t be set. To fix this, remove the underscore and attach %player% or %player’s uuid% to it like so {command.%player%}. This is so that one, it can be used outside the event that variable is set and two, so that multiple players don’t have access to the same commands (An addition I think that’d be helpful). Below is the modified code with these fixes (Not tested in game):

command /command [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: command.maker
    permission message: "&4You can not run this command!"
        if arg-1 is "create":
            set {command.%player%} to "-%arg-2%" # Attaching the player to the variable also prevents {command} from being changed by another player
            set {command.%player%.%arg-2%.output} to arg-3
            if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "%{command.%player%}%%nl%":
                send "&4That command already exists!" to player
                add "%{command.%player%}%%nl%" to {command.list::*}
                send "&aCreated command -%{command.%player%}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "list":
            send "&b%{command.list::*}%" to player # Removed underscore from this variable to keep it consistent
        if arg-1 is "clear":
            clear {command.list::*} # Changed set to clear for better optimization
            send "&bReset all commands" to player

on chat:
    cancel event
    if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "-%{command.%player%}%%nl%":
        set {_msg} to last (length of {_msg} - 1) characters of message
        make server execute command "/function %{command.%player%.%{_msg}%.output}%" # Reusing the same variable defined before
         broadcast "<%player%> %message%" # Instead of looping all players, you can simply use a single line broadcast that sends a message to all players without a loop
Changes I made: Made a couple of the lines more effective, shortened the name of a variable and changed your variable types to save data better.
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Right off the bat, I can see that the type of variable you’re using for the type of command is likely not one you’ll want to use. {_command} will only be saved in the lines of code it’s used. So if you were to send “%{_command}%” on the On Chat event, it will print <none> since it won’t be set. To fix this, remove the underscore and attach %player% or %player’s uuid% to it like so {command.%player%}. This is so that one, it can be used outside the event that variable is set and two, so that multiple players don’t have access to the same commands (An addition I think that’d be helpful). Below is the modified code with these fixes (Not tested in game):

command /command [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: command.maker
    permission message: "&4You can not run this command!"
        if arg-1 is "create":
            set {command.%player%} to "-%arg-2%" # Attaching the player to the variable also prevents {command} from being changed by another player
            set {command.%player%.%arg-2%.output} to arg-3
            if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "%{command.%player%}%%nl%":
                send "&4That command already exists!" to player
                add "%{command.%player%}%%nl%" to {command.list::*}
                send "&aCreated command -%{command.%player%}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "list":
            send "&b%{command.list::*}%" to player # Removed underscore from this variable to keep it consistent
        if arg-1 is "clear":
            clear {command.list::*} # Changed set to clear for better optimization
            send "&bReset all commands" to player

on chat:
    cancel event
    if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "-%{command.%player%}%%nl%":
        set {_msg} to last (length of {_msg} - 1) characters of message
        make server execute command "/function %{command.%player%.%{_msg}%.output}%" # Reusing the same variable defined before
         broadcast "<%player%> %message%" # Instead of looping all players, you can simply use a single line broadcast that sends a message to all players without a loop
Changes I made: Made a couple of the lines more effective, shortened the name of a variable and changed your variable types to save data better.
Sadly, the fixed code does not work. It registers the command but does not execute the function when I run the command that I created.
/command create idk idk:unknown
OUTPUT: Created command -idk
OUTPUT: <etheboi> -idk
/command list
OUTPUT: -idk
These are the exact commands I ran, and it can detect if a command is already been made.
command /command [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: command.maker
    permission message: "&4You cannot run this command!"
        if arg-1 is "create":
            add {command.%player%} to {} # Initialize command list if not already
            set {command.%player%.%arg-2%.output} to arg-3
            if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "-%{command.%player%}%%nl%":
                send "&4That command already exists!" to player
                add "-%{command.%player%}%" to {command.list::*}
                send "&aCreated command -%{command.%player%}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "list":
            send "&b%{command.list::*}%" to player
        if arg-1 is "clear":
            clear {command.list::*}
            send "&bReset all commands" to player

on chat:
    cancel event
    set {_msg} to last (length of message - 1) characters of message
    if "%{command.list::*}%" contains "-%{_msg}%%nl%":
        make server execute command "/function %{command.%player%.%{_msg}%.output}%"
        broadcast "<%player%> %message%"

works for me
On line 6 (add {command.%player%} to {} # Initialize command list if not already) there's an error, what was the code that was put in the {} bit here? I tried deleting the line and it still didn't work, it assigned the command but there was no output when I typed in chat -idk. Just to clarify, the 3rd argument is for a function from a datapack that is ran when the assigned command is executed.