Ice Wall Typa thangalang, need help!

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May 19, 2024
Hi! I'm trying to add Todoroki's Ice wall from My Hero Academia, but I kinda have no clue on how to make it actually work.
This is my code.
on offhand switch:
    if player is sneaking:
        if {todoroki} contains player:
            cancel event
            if {todorokiMoveset} is 1:
                if {todorokiIceWall} is true:
                    cancel event
                    send action bar "<##FF0000>&lI<##FF0F0F>&lc<##FF1E1E>&le <##FF2D2D>&lW<##FF3C3C>&la<##FF4B4B>&ll<##FF5A5A>&ll <##FF6969>&lO<##FF7878>&ln <##FF8787>&lC<##FF9696>&lo<##FFA5A5>&lo<##FFB4B4>&ll<##FFC3C3>&ld<##FFD2D2>&lo<##FFE1E1>&lw<##FFF0F0>&ln<##FFFFFF>&l!" to player
                    set {todorokiIceWall} to true
                    loop block infront of player:
                        if loop-block is air:
                            set {_icewallstart} to loop-block
                            loop block to the right of {_icewallstart}:
                                if loop-block is air:
                                    set loop-block to {_icewallright}
                                    loop-block to the left of {_icewallstart}:
                                        if loop-block is air:
                                            set loop-block to {_icewallleft}
                    place ice at {_icewallstart}
                    place ice at {_icewallright}
                    place ice at {_icewallleft}
                    wait 10 seconds
                    set {todorokiIceWall} to false
                    send action bar "<##FF0000>&lF<##FF0E0E>&ll<##FF1C1C>&la<##FF2B2B>&ls<##FF3939>&lh<##FF4747>&lf<##FF5555>&li<##FF6363>&lr<##FF7171>&le <##FF8080>&lF<##FF8E8E>&li<##FF9C9C>&ls<##FFAAAA>&lt <##FFB8B8>&lR<##FFC6C6>&le<##FFD5D5>&la<##FFE3E3>&ld<##FFF1F1>&ly<##FFFFFF>&l!" to player
Anything helps, thanks!
You should just make a corner 1 block front of, 2.5 blocks to left of, and 0.5 blocks below the player. Then make the other corner 1 block infront of, 2.5 blocks to the right of, and <number> blocks above the player. Change number to the height of the wall you want, loop the blocks between them, and set them to ice.
You should just make a corner 1 block front of, 2.5 blocks to left of, and 0.5 blocks below the player. Then make the other corner 1 block infront of, 2.5 blocks to the right of, and <number> blocks above the player. Change number to the height of the wall you want, loop the blocks between them, and set them to ice.
How would I do that? Sorry if this is a bother, I'm new to skript!