I want to make a simple eggwars skript (more info below)

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Oct 31, 2023
I want to make a simple eggwars skript (no idea stealing) that works like this:
When you type the command "/join eggwars" in chat you will be teleported to the world "eggwars" to the position 0 0 0, after the map have at least 2 players it will start a countdown from 30 to 0, after the countdown ends i want to divide the players to 4 teams and then teleports each player from each team to the spawn of the team he got into (Red: 10 10 10, Yellow: 20 20 20, Green 30 30 30 and Blue 40 40 40) and place a egg in the coordinates 0 -10 0.
If anyone could help me because i am starting and i am working on this big project.
Hey, this is what I just did in a hurry, it's not much, but it's enough for a base to bounce off of.
on load:
    set {green.tp} to location at 30, 30, 30 in world "eggwars"
    set {red.tp} to location at 10, 10, 10 in world "eggwars"
    set {yellow.tp} to location at 20, 20, 20 in world "eggwars"
    set {blue.tp} to location at 40, 40, 40 in world "eggwars"
    set {game} to false
    clear {green::*}
    clear {yellow::*}
    clear {red::*}
    clear {blue::*}
    clear {joined::*}
    add {green.tp}, {red.tp}, {yellow.tp} and {blue.tp} to {locs::*}

command /join eggwars:
        if {joined::*} does not contain player:
            if {game} is false:
                teleport player to location(0, 0, 0, world "eggwars")
                send "&aYou've joined the eggwars!" to player
                add player to {joined::*}
                if size of {joined::*} is more than 1:
                    loop 30 times:
                        if size of {joined::*} is more than 1:
                            broadcast "&aStart in %31 - loop-number%"
                            wait 1 second
                            send "&cToo many players left during countdown!" to {joined::*}
                    if size of {joined::*} is more than 1:
                        set {game} to true
                        if size of {joined::*} is 2:
                            loop 2 times:
                                set {_p} to random element out of {joined::*}
                                set {_l} to random element out of {locs::*}
                                teleport {_p} to {_l}
                                if location of {_p} is {red.tp}:
                                    if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                    else if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {green.tp}:
                                    if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                    else if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {yellow.tp}:
                                    if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                    else if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {blue.tp}:
                                    if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                    else if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                remove {_p} from {joined::*}
                                set block at location 0, -10, 0 in world "eggwars" to dragon egg
                        else if size of {joined::*} is 3:
                            loop 3 times:
                                set {_p} to random element out of {joined::*}
                                set {_l} to random element out of {locs::*}
                                teleport {_p} to {_l}
                                if location of {_p} is {red.tp}:
                                    if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                    else if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {green.tp}:
                                    if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                    else if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {yellow.tp}:
                                    if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                    else if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {blue.tp}:
                                    if size of {blue::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                    else if size of {red::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {red::*}
                                    else if size of {yellow::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                    else if size of {green::*} is 0:
                                        add {_p} to {green::*}
                                remove {_p} from {joined::*}
                                set block at location 0, -10, 0 in world "eggwars" to dragon egg
                        else if size of {joined::*} is more than 3:
                            loop 100 times:
                                set {_p} to random element out of {joined::*}
                                set {_l} to random element out of {locs::*}
                                teleport {_p} to {_l}
                                if location of {_p} is {red.tp}:
                                    add {_p} to {red::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {green.tp}:
                                    add {_p} to {green::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {yellow.tp}:
                                    add {_p} to {yellow::*}
                                else if location of {_p} is {blue.tp}:
                                    add {_p} to {blue::*}
                                remove {_p} from {joined::*}
                                set block at location 0, -10, 0 in world "eggwars" to dragon egg

on quit:
    if {joined::*} contains player:
        remove player from {joined::*}