I need someone to code me a SMP skript

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Mar 31, 2024
This is what i need help with!

  1. When the server starts, everyone gets a iron unbreakable axe called 'Scythe' When you kill someone with the axe in your main, you get a random enchant on any of your tools and armour, when you get a kill, a bossbar will be at the top of the screen with a 10 minute cooldown, if you kill someone in that 10 minute cooldown, you wont get a enchant. The more kills + better enchats (btw books and table are disabled)

    thats what i put on my server

    if so add me on anotherdumbcoder discord
Hello! For one thing please use the request forums.
For a second thing, I can definitely do this for you but I don't have access to discord at the moment. Is that alright?
Okay amazing! Send it when ready! The more kills with iron axe, the more the enchants gets better (All gear instead of iron and leather shouldn't get enchanted, also 1 kill (the first one) will only get a bad level tier 1 enchant.
I can fairly easily do the kill tracking I've just got some stuff to figure out. The most difficult thing at the moment is that I can't test right now because I don't have access my main computer. Currently, I've made the first level of enchants randomly choose an armor piece or weapon from your inventory and enchant it with sharpness/protection based on what it is.

It does either level 1 or level 2 at a 50% chance.
alr, make it so the more kills the higher level, so ur first kills will be a bad enchant and level 1 of that, also make sure iron axe is a scythe.
I can fairly easily do the kill tracking I've just got some stuff to figure out. The most difficult thing at the moment is that I can't test right now because I don't have access my main computer. Currently, I've made the first level of enchants randomly choose an armor piece or weapon from your inventory and enchant it with sharpness/protection based on what it is.

It does either level 1 or level 2 at a 50% chance.
Tell me when ur back
I can fairly easily do the kill tracking I've just got some stuff to figure out. The most difficult thing at the moment is that I can't test right now because I don't have access my main computer. Currently, I've made the first level of enchants randomly choose an armor piece or weapon from your inventory and enchant it with sharpness/protection based on what it is.

It does either level 1 or level 2 at a 50% chance.
Hello?!??!??!?!?!??!!?!!??!?!!??!!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? its been a COUPLE of days
Oh sorry, Yea same, but this is my last week. Just send over the stable skript when possible I can test for u, also do u have access to ur main computer now?
No, thats why I can't test it. I can send it over but I haven't really been able to advance it past the basic protection/sharpness enchants and have no idea if it works
Yes please! Also if you join my discord I shall give you a special role. I will send the server link once you add me.
Can't access discord rn but can tomorrow. Heres the code I've made

on join:
    {alljoins::*} does not contain player's uuid:
        add player's uuid to {alljoins::*}
        set {_d} to iron axe named "&7Scythe"
        give player unbreakable {_d}

on respawn:
    {drops::%player's uuid%::*} is set:
        set {_d} to iron axe named "&7Scythe"
        give player unbreakable {_d}
        delete {drops::%player's uuid%::*}

on inventory click:
    name of event-item contains "&7Scythe"
    event-inventory is not player's inventory
    cancel event
    message "&cThis item can't be stashed away or edited!"

command resetjoins:
    permission: *
        delete {alljoins::*}

on death:
    victim has unbreakable iron axe named "&7Scythe"
    set {drops::%victim's uuid%::*} to drops
    remove unbreakable iron axe named "&7Scythe" from {drops::%victim's uuid%::*}
    set drops to {drops::%victim's uuid%::*}
    name of attacker's tool contains "&7Scythe":
        loop items in attacker's inventory:
            loop-item is a sword or an axe:
                set {_items::*} to loop-value
                set {_d} to random item out of {_items::*}
                set {_e} to random integer between 1 and 2
                {_e} = 1:
                    enchant {_d} with sharpness 1
                    enchant {_d} with sharpness 2
                message "&cYour %{_f}% was enchanted with sharpness %{_e}%" to attacker
            else if loop-item is a chestplate or a helmet or boots or leggings:
                set {_items::*} to loop-value
                set {_d} to random item out of {_items::*}
                set {_f} to name of {_d}
                set {_e} to random integer between 1 and 2
                {_e} = 1:
                    enchant {_d} with protection 1
                    enchant {_d} with protection 2
                message "&cYour %{_f}% was enchanted with protection %{_e}%" to attacker
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