Solved i cant loop list variables

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Probably now, it should work..

loop {teamliste.%player%::*}:
   set {_n} to loop-value
   message "test"
   loop all players:
      message "test"
      if arg-2 is {_n}:
         message "Eklemeye Çalıştığınız Kişinin Guildi Bulunmaktadır" to player
         message "test2"
         if {kisi.%{listofguild.%player%}%} is set:
list variables not work
Probably now, it should work..

loop {teamliste.%player%::*}:
   set {_n} to loop-value
   message "test"
   loop all players:
      message "test"
      if arg-2 is {_n}:
         message "Eklemeye Çalıştığınız Kişinin Guildi Bulunmaktadır" to player
         message "test2"
         if {kisi.%{listofguild.%player%}%} is set:
no, problem is its doesnt loop i mean "loop {listvariable::*}: message "test"" doent sends me "test" message
list variables not work

no, problem is its doesnt loop i mean "loop {listvariable::*}: message "test"" doent sends me "test" message
Try broadcasting the list variable before looping to see what that results in
list variables not work

no, problem is its doesnt loop i mean "loop {listvariable::*}: message "test"" doent sends me "test" message
if its not sending you "test", that MOST likely means the list variable is empty.. therefor its not actually looping anything since theres nothing to loop
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