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create hologram "Line1;Line2;Line3" at player for 10 seconds
create holo with lines "line1", "line2" and "line3" at player and store in {myHologram}
set text in line x of holo "hologram_id" to "new value"
set line x of holo {myHologram} to "new value"
create a new holo with lines “&f%player%’s &6Bitcoin &cMiner” and “&7Right-click to open” above 1 block at {_locationtemp} and store in {minerholo.%player%}
here is the correct syntax:I use skript-holo, but how do i make it so i can make a hologram on a specific block above it 1 block, I can get the location in a variable, this doesn’t skript doesn’t work:sorry i have bad englishCode:create a new holo with lines “&f%player%’s &6Bitcoin &cMiner” and “&7Right-click to open” above 1 block at {_locationtemp} and store in {minerholo.%player%}
1 block above {_locationtemp}
create a new holo with lines “&6Bitcoin &cMiner” and “&7Right-click to open” 1 block above {_localtemp} and store in {miners.holo.%player%}
p: &6Bitcoin &7>>&r
command /bitcoin [<text>] [<number>]:
permission: bitcoin.use
permission message: @p &cYou don't have no permission!
if arg 1 is "bal" or "balance":
message "@p &aBalance: &e%{bitcoins.%player%}% &6bitcoin(s)"
if arg 1 is "buy" or "purchase":
if arg 2 is a number:
set {_totalbuy} to {bitcoin.buyvalue} * arg 2
if balance of player >= {_totalbuy}:
remove {_totalbuy} from balance of player
add arg 2 to {bitcoins.%player%}
message "@p &6%arg 2% bitcoin(s) has been added to your account!"
message "@p &cInsufficient funds!"
message "@p &cUsage: /bitcoin buy/purchase [amount]"
if arg 1 is "sell":
if arg 2 is a number:
if {bitcoins.%player%} >= arg 2:
set {_totalsell} to {bitcoin.sellvalue} * arg 2
add {_totalsell} to balance of player
remove arg 2 from {bitcoins.%player%}
message "@p &eSold %arg 2% bitcoins!"
message "@p &a%arg 2% bitcoin(s) has been removed from your account"
message "@p &cهnsufficient bitcoins!"
message "@p &cUsage: /bitcoin sell [amount]"
if arg 1 is not set:
message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------"
message "&6/bitcoin help &rTo display this"
message "&6/bitcoin buy [amount] &rTo buy bitcoins"
message "&6/bitcoin sell [amount] &rTo sell bitcoins"
message "&6/bitcoin bal/balance &rTo see how much bitcoins you have"
message "&6/bitcoin value &rTo see the value of the bitcoin"
message "&6/bitcoin buyminer [amount] &rTo buy bitcoin miners"
message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------"
if arg 1 is "help":
message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------"
message "&6/bitcoin help &rTo display this"
message "&6/bitcoin buy [amount] &rTo buy bitcoins"
message "&6/bitcoin sell [amount] &rTo sell bitcoins"
message "&6/bitcoin bal/balance &rTo see how much bitcoins you have"
message "&6/bitcoin value &rTo see the value of the bitcoin"
message "&6/bitcoin buyminer [amount] &rTo buy bitcoin miners"
message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------"
if arg 1 is "value":
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&6Bitcoin &7>> &6Bitcoin Value" to player
format gui slot 0 of player with paper named "&aBuy Value -> $%{bitcoin.buyvalue}%"
format gui slot 1 of player with paper named "&eSell Value -> $%{bitcoin.sellvalue}%"
if arg 1 is "buyminer":
if arg 2 is a number:
set {_totalminer} to 25000000 * arg 2
if balance of player >= {_totalminer}:
remove {_totalminer} from balance of player
loop arg 2 times:
give player 1 of redstone block named "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" with lore "&7Gives you bitcoins when placed"
message "@p &cInsufficient funds!"
message "@p &cUsage: /bitcoin buyminer [amount]"
on place:
if player's tool is redstone block named "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" with lore "&7Gives you bitcoins when placed":
add location of event-block to {miners.global::*}
add 1 to {minersplaced.%player%}
add location of event-block to {miners.%player%::*}
add location of event-block to {_localtemp}
create a new holo with lines "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" and "&7Right-click to open" 1 block above {_localtemp} and store in {minersholo.%player%}
on break:
if event-block is redstone block:
if location of event-block is {miners.global::*}:
cancel event
on right click on a redstone block:
if location of event-block is {miner.%player%::*}:
open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&f%player%'s &6Bitcoin &cMiner" to player
format gui slot 0 of player with chest named "&eCollect all &6%{bitcoin.generated.%player%}% bitcoin(s)" to close then run:
add {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to {bitcoins.%player%}
wait 5 ticks
set {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to 0
format gui slot 27 of player with barrier named "&cRemove Miner" to close then run:
give player 1 of redstone block named "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" with lore "&7Gives you bitcoins when placed"
remove 1 from {minersplaced.%player%}
message "@p &cRemoved Miner"
every 10 minutes:
set {bitcoin.buyvalue} to a random number between 5000 and 1000000
set {bitcoin.sellvalue} to a random number between 50 and 1000000
every 10 minutes:
if {minersplaced.%player%} >= 1:
loop {minersplaced.%player%} times:
add 1 to {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to loop-player
ok here is what i wrote its shows an error
i can’t show the error because the parser became broken but i remember it says “Variables cannot be used here” some thing like thatCode:create a new holo with lines “&6Bitcoin &cMiner” and “&7Right-click to open” 1 block above {_localtemp} and store in {miners.holo.%player%}
[doublepost=1588501818,1588483078][/doublepost]actually the parser JUST STARTING WORKING IDK WHY
[doublepost=1588501880][/doublepost]View attachment 4618
[doublepost=1588502224][/doublepost]also can you solve this not only holograms
the gui other stuff
Code:options: p: &6Bitcoin &7>>&r command /bitcoin [<text>] [<number>]: permission: bitcoin.use permission message: @p &cYou don't have no permission! trigger: if arg 1 is "bal" or "balance": message "@p &aBalance: &e%{bitcoins.%player%}% &6bitcoin(s)" if arg 1 is "buy" or "purchase": if arg 2 is a number: set {_totalbuy} to {bitcoin.buyvalue} * arg 2 if balance of player >= {_totalbuy}: remove {_totalbuy} from balance of player add arg 2 to {bitcoins.%player%} message "@p &6%arg 2% bitcoin(s) has been added to your account!" else: message "@p &cInsufficient funds!" else: message "@p &cUsage: /bitcoin buy/purchase [amount]" if arg 1 is "sell": if arg 2 is a number: if {bitcoins.%player%} >= arg 2: set {_totalsell} to {bitcoin.sellvalue} * arg 2 add {_totalsell} to balance of player remove arg 2 from {bitcoins.%player%} message "@p &eSold %arg 2% bitcoins!" message "@p &a%arg 2% bitcoin(s) has been removed from your account" else: message "@p &cهnsufficient bitcoins!" else: message "@p &cUsage: /bitcoin sell [amount]" if arg 1 is not set: message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------" message "&6/bitcoin help &rTo display this" message "&6/bitcoin buy [amount] &rTo buy bitcoins" message "&6/bitcoin sell [amount] &rTo sell bitcoins" message "&6/bitcoin bal/balance &rTo see how much bitcoins you have" message "&6/bitcoin value &rTo see the value of the bitcoin" message "&6/bitcoin buyminer [amount] &rTo buy bitcoin miners" message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------" if arg 1 is "help": message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------" message "&6/bitcoin help &rTo display this" message "&6/bitcoin buy [amount] &rTo buy bitcoins" message "&6/bitcoin sell [amount] &rTo sell bitcoins" message "&6/bitcoin bal/balance &rTo see how much bitcoins you have" message "&6/bitcoin value &rTo see the value of the bitcoin" message "&6/bitcoin buyminer [amount] &rTo buy bitcoin miners" message "&7-----------------------------------------------------------" if arg 1 is "value": open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&6Bitcoin &7>> &6Bitcoin Value" to player format gui slot 0 of player with paper named "&aBuy Value -> $%{bitcoin.buyvalue}%" format gui slot 1 of player with paper named "&eSell Value -> $%{bitcoin.sellvalue}%" if arg 1 is "buyminer": if arg 2 is a number: set {_totalminer} to 25000000 * arg 2 if balance of player >= {_totalminer}: remove {_totalminer} from balance of player loop arg 2 times: give player 1 of redstone block named "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" with lore "&7Gives you bitcoins when placed" else: message "@p &cInsufficient funds!" else: message "@p &cUsage: /bitcoin buyminer [amount]" on place: if player's tool is redstone block named "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" with lore "&7Gives you bitcoins when placed": add location of event-block to {miners.global::*} add 1 to {minersplaced.%player%} add location of event-block to {miners.%player%::*} add location of event-block to {_localtemp} create a new holo with lines "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" and "&7Right-click to open" 1 block above {_localtemp} and store in {minersholo.%player%} on break: if event-block is redstone block: if location of event-block is {miners.global::*}: cancel event on right click on a redstone block: if location of event-block is {miner.%player%::*}: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&f%player%'s &6Bitcoin &cMiner" to player format gui slot 0 of player with chest named "&eCollect all &6%{bitcoin.generated.%player%}% bitcoin(s)" to close then run: add {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to {bitcoins.%player%} wait 5 ticks set {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to 0 format gui slot 27 of player with barrier named "&cRemove Miner" to close then run: give player 1 of redstone block named "&6Bitcoin &cMiner" with lore "&7Gives you bitcoins when placed" remove 1 from {minersplaced.%player%} message "@p &cRemoved Miner" every 10 minutes: set {bitcoin.buyvalue} to a random number between 5000 and 1000000 set {bitcoin.sellvalue} to a random number between 50 and 1000000 every 10 minutes: loop-all-players-in-all-worlds: if {minersplaced.%player%} >= 1: loop {minersplaced.%player%} times: add 1 to {bitcoin.generated.%player%} to loop-player
create a new holo with lines “&6Bitcoin &cMiner” and “&7Right-click to open” at (1 block above {_localtemp}) and store in {miners.holo.%player%}