on load:
set {ritualitem1} to false
set {ritualitem2} to false
set {ritualitem3} to false
set {ritualitem4} to false
set {ritualitem5} to false
set {ritualitem6} to false
set {ritualitem7} to false
set {ritualitem8} to false
set {ritualitem9} to false
set {count} to 0
set {ritual} to false
set {ongoingritual} to false
on drop:
if event-item is a yellow candle named "%{REFINED_GEM.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem1} is false:
set {ritualitem1} to true
add 1 to {count}
send "Added: %event-item% to [ritualitems::*]" to player
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
wait 1 second
set {gemlocation} to event-location
send "Set {gemlocation} to %event-location%" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT1.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem2} is false:
set {ritualitem2} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT2.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem3} is false:
set {ritualitem3} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT3.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem4} is false:
set {ritualitem4} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT4.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem5} is false:
set {ritualitem5} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT5.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem6} is false:
set {ritualitem6} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT6.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem7} is false:
set {ritualitem7} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT7.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem8} is false:
set {ritualitem8} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item is a honeycomb named "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT8.NAME}%":
if {ritualitem9} is false:
set {ritualitem9} to true
add 1 to {count}
add event-item to {ritualitems::*}
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
if {count} is more than or equal to 9:
if {ritual} is false:
set {count} to 0
set {ritual} to true
set {ongoingritual} to true
## Ritual Broadcasting
broadcast "&6[???] &fThe %{GOLDEN_GEM.NAME}% &fritual is starting. Brace yourselves, mortals, for the cosmic symphony unfolds, weaving threads of fate and destiny into the tapestry of eternity."
broadcast ""
wait 1 tick
loop {ritualitems::*}:
send "looped ritualitems::*" to player
if loop-value is a honeycomb:
send "if loopvalue is honeycomb" to player
if name of loop-value contains "&6Golden Fragment":
send "name of loopvalue contains golden fragment*" to player
set {gem_x} to x-coordinate of {gemlocation}
set {gem_y} to y-coordinate of {gemlocation}
set {gem_z} to z-coordinate of {gemlocation}
teleport loop-value to location ({gem_x}, {gem_y}, {gem_z}) in world "%world%"
send "teleporedt %loop-value% to %{gem_x}%, %{gem_y}%, %{gem_z}% in world %world%" to player
clear {ritualitems::*}
play sound "minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl" at volume 1 at pitch 1 at player's location
wait 10 second
broadcast "&6[???] &fBehold as the heavens tremble and the very stars bow in reverence to the power that stirs within. Let the echoes of creation resound through the void, for the dawn of a new era beckons, and the fate of worlds hangs in the balance."
broadcast ""
play sound "minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl" at volume 1 at pitch 1 at player's location
wait 10 seconds
broadcast "&6[???] &fMay fortune favor the bold, for the path ahead is fraught with peril and the shadows of oblivion loom ever closer."
broadcast ""
play sound "minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl" at volume 1 at pitch 1 at player's location
wait 10 seconds
broadcast "&6[???] &fAre you prepared to embrace the destiny that awaits, or will you falter in the face of cosmic upheaval? The choice is yours, but remember, the universe holds no mercy for the faint of heart."
broadcast ""
play sound "minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.growl" at volume 1 at pitch 1 at player's location
wait 3 seconds
drop 1 of {CUSTOM.GOLDEN_GEM} at location ({gem_x}, {gem_y}, {gem_z}) in world "world"
set {ongoingritual} to false
set {count} to 0
broadcast "Ritual has already been activated before!"
else if {count} is less than 0:
set {count} to 0
on pickup:
if {ritual} is false:
if event-item's name is "%{REFINED_GEM.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem1} to false
send "&fRitual: &6%{count}%/9" to player
clear {gemlocation}
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT1.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem2} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT2.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem3} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT3.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem4} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT4.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem5} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT5.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem6} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT6.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem7} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT7.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem8} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT8.NAME}%":
subtract 1 from {count}
set {ritualitem9} to false
send "&fRitual &6%{count}%/9" to player
every 0.25 seconds:
if {count} is less than 0:
set {count} to 0
on pickup:
if {ongoingritual} is true:
if event-item's name is "%{REFINED_GEM.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT1.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT2.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT3.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT4.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT5.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT6.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT7.NAME}%":
cancel event
else if event-item's name is "%{GOLDEN_FRAGMENT8.NAME}%":
cancel event
This is currently the full code of the skript, if anyone was wondering.