Solved Help with looping blocks!

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Jan 6, 2018
I have looked through the documentary and others, but I need help.

So I want to make it so that if a block is in a specific chunk, it would cancel the event! Kind of like this!

on break:
player is in "{@world}"
loop broken block <<<
if {ffac::%chunk at loop-block%} is set:
if {ffac::%chunk at loop-block%} is not "%{ffac.join.%player%}%":
cancel event
message "{@message} &cYou are breaking claimed land!" to player
message "{@message} &6&lOwner: &a&l%{ffac::%chunk at loop-block%}%" to player

If there are any addons I can use, please tell me. I prefer having no addons.
what does "loop broken block" mean. you cant loop one block. if you want to loop blocks in a chunk use this chunk

if you just need to check if the block is in a chunk then idk why you need to loop. line 5 is what you want except no percents and quotes around the second variable
if {ffac::%chunk at loop-block%} is not {ffac.join.%player%}:
I tried but here is the problem. I want to check if the broken block is in a specific chunk. Let my try to elaborate, If a player breaks a block, I want to either set it's location and do this:
[the] block at %number%, %number%, %number% in [chunk] %chunk%

Or, I can loop the block and find if that block is in the chunk:
if {ffac::%chunk at loop-block%} is not "%{ffac.join.%player%}%":

Problem is, I do not know how to do either one.

If you can, I also need to do it with placing a block.

Thank you.
i told you, the second way is how you do it without the percent signs
if {ffac::%chunk at loop-block%} is not {ffac.join.%player%}:
assuming {ffac.join.%player%} is a chunk it will determine if the chunk at the block is the same chunk in the variable
If I am correct, first, I need to loop the block, so how can I do that? Thank you for sticking with me so far Donut.
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you cant "loop one block". looping iterates through a list of things
Do you think you can help me finish my skript?

This is a little confusing.
on break:
    player is in "{@world}"
    if {ffac::%chunk at player%} is set:
        if {ffac::%chunk at player%} is not "%{ffac.join.%player%}%":
            cancel event
            message "{@message} &cYou are breaking claimed land!" to player
            message "{@message} &6&lOwner: &a&l%{ffac::%chunk at player%}%" to player
on place:
    player is in "{@world}"
    if {ffac::%chunk at player%} is set:
        if {ffac::%chunk at player%} is not "%{ffac.join.%player%}%":
            cancel event
            message "{@message} &cYou are placing blocks on claimed land!" to player
            message "{@message} &6&lOwner: &a&l%{ffac::%chunk at player%}%" to player

If I do what I do, if the player is outside of the chunk, he can break the blocks inside of the claimed chunk, even if he is outside. I do not want that. How can I finish this?

If you can help me with just that, I would be done. Thank you Donut.
[doublepost=1515359766,1515357502][/doublepost]This is the hardest part for me so far, I am stumped.
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