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Aug 24, 2020
So i am making a ban gui and all of that good stuff but when i use the ban gui and ban someone it does this here is the code and imma attach a vid you are gonna have to check through the whole code as the on inventory click stuff is seperated so to get to the code with the error u will have to try and find it lol
command /punish [<offline player>]:
  permission: test.punish
  permission: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    if arg 1 is not set:
      send "&cInvalid Argument"
    if arg 1 is set:
      set metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cPunish"
      set slot 0 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to iron sword named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&7Reason: &cKill Aura"
      set slot 1 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to gold ore named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&7Reason: &cX-ray or simaler"
      set slot 2 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to Feather named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&7Reason: &cFly Hacks"
      set slot 3 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to iron pickaxe named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&7Reason: &cAuto Mine"
      set slot 4 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to water bucket named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&7Reason: &cJesus"
      set slot 5 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to iron sword named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&7temp: Reason: &cKill Aura"
      set slot 6 of metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player to gold ore named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&7temp: Reason: &cXray or simaler"
      open (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player) to player

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 0:
            execute player command "bann %name of event-item% &c You have been banned for the reason: Kill arua! Please appeal at"
            broadcast "&cplayer has been banned due to Kill arua"
            close player's inventory
        if index of event-slot is 1:
            execute player command "bann %name of event-item% &c You have been banned for the reason: X-ray or simaler! please appeal at!"
            broadcast "&cplayer has been banned for xray or simaler"
            close player's inventory
        if index of event-slot is 2:
            execute player command "bann %name of event-item% &c You have been banned for the reason Fly hacks please appeal at"
            broadcast "&c player has been banned for fly hacks"
            close player's inventory

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 5:
        execute player command "tempban %name of event-item% &cKillArua please appeal at 30 days"
        broadcast "&cplayer has been banned for kill arua time 30 days"
        close player's inventory

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 6:
        execute player command "tempban %name of event-item% &cXray or simmaler please appeal at 7 days"
        broadcast "&cplayer has been banned for xray or simaler time 7 days"
        close player's inventory

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 3:
            execute player command "bann %name of event-item% &c You have been banned for the reason: Auto Mine Hacks! Please appeal at"
            broadcast "&c%name of event-item% has been banned due to Auto Mine Hacks"
            close player's inventory

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUI" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 4:
            execute player command "bann %name of event-item% &c You have been banned for the reason: Jesus Hacks! Please appeal at"
            broadcast "&c%name of event-item% has been banned due to Jesus Hacks"
            close player's inventory

command /bann [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  permission: test.ban
  permission message: "Hello"
    kick arg-1 due to arg-2
    ban arg-1 due to arg-2

command /punishinfo:
  permission: test.punishinfo
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    send "&bThis is a skript made by EpicGamese aka 2+2=42108!"
    send "&bPlease use this skript by what i have put on the download page please do not copy what i have done and put it in your skript!"

command /unban [<offline player>]:
  permission: test.unban
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    if arg-1 is banned:
      set metadata tag "vanillaGUIi" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&cUnban"
      set slot 0 of metadata tag "vanillaGUIi" of player to green glass named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&cUnban?"
      set slot 1 of metadata tag "vanillaGUIi" of player to barrier named "%arg-1%" with lore "" and "&cExit?"
      open (metadata tag "vanillaGUIi" of player) to player
      send "&b%arg-1% is not banned!&r" to player

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUIi" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 0:
            execute player command "unban %name of event-item%"
            broadcast "&c%name of event-item% has been unbanned"
            close player's inventory

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "vanillaGUIi" of player):
        cancel event
        if index of event-slot is 1:
        close player's inventory

command /cc:
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!
    broadcast "&b%player%&r &cIs clearing the chat in 5 seconds!"
    wait 5 seconds
    loop 100 times:
      send " " to all players
    send "&b%player%&r &cHas cleared the chat" to all players

command /clearchat:
  permission: test.clearchat
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!
    broadcast "&b%player%&r &cIs clearing the chat in 5 seconds!"
    wait 5 seconds
    loop 100 times:
      send " " to all players
    send "&b%player%&r &cHas cleared the chat!" to all players

command /report <player> <text>:
        message "<light green>Your complaint has been forwarded to officials !"
        add text-argument to {sikayetler::*}
        set {sikayeteden.%text-argument%} to player
        set {sikayetedilen.%text-argument%} to player argument
        loop all players:
            if loop-player has permission "":
                send "<gold><bold><underlined>Test report" to loop-player
                send "<gold>Report:<yellow> ""%text-argument%""" to loop-player
                send "<gold>The reported person: <yellow>%player argument%" to loop-player
                send "<gold>Sender: <yellow>%player%" to loop-player


command /clear [<offline player>]:
  permission: test.clear
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    if arg-1 is set:
      clear the arg-1's inventory
      send "&cYour inventory has been cleared!&r" to arg-1
      clear the player's inventory
      send "&cYour inventory has been cleared!&r" to player

command /gmc [<offline player>]:
  permission: test.gmc
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    if arg-1 is set:
      set arg-1's gamemode to creative
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cCREATIVE!&r" to arg-1
      set player's gamemode to creative
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cCREATIVE!&r" to player

command /gms [<offline player>]:
  permission: test.gms
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    if arg-1 is set:
      set arg-1's gamemode to survival
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cSURVIVAL&r" to arg-1
      set player's gamemode to survival
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cSURVIVAL&r" to player

command /gma [<offline player>]:
  permission: test.gma
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    if arg-1 is set:
      set arg-1's gamemode to adventure
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cADVENTURE&r" to arg-1
      set player's gamemode to adventure
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cADVENTURE&r" to player

command /gmsp [<offline player>]:
  permission: test.gmsp
  permission message: &cYou do not have permission to run this command!&r
    if arg-1 is set:
      set arg-1's gamemode to spectator
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cSPECTATOR&r" to arg-1
      set player's gamemode to spectator
      send "&bYour gamemode has been changed to&r &cSPECTATOR&r" to player

command /tempban [<offline player>] [<text>] [<timespan>]:
    aliases: /tban
    permission: server.tempban
    permission message:  &8» &cYou dont have the permission to do that!
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send " &8» &e/tempban <player> <reason> <time>"
        if arg-2 is not set:
            send " &8» &e/tempban <player> <reason> <time>"
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is set:
                if arg-3 is set:
                    kick arg-1 due to arg-2
                    ban arg-1 due to arg-2 for arg-3
                    add 1 to {tempban.%arg-1%}
I don't think you should use the on inventory click trigger. I would recommend just using "
to close then run [execute console command "tempban %arg-1% 30 m cheating] " after your slot line.
what? i have used the on inventory click thing for everything and i don't have this issue with others i have used it for only the tempban command
Oh okay, then you most likely mistyped. So just go thew your skript and if you need help I can help.
[doublepost=1598883241,1598883178][/doublepost]Also the only "errors" are the if index of event-slot is 1:
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