Held item resets when player is given an item

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New Member
Jan 1, 2020
I want to give the player an arrow every five seconds, but the held item always goes down (and resets bow charging) whenever an arrow is given. How do you give players items without this happening?
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But there have been many servers (and yes, I know they might have been coded in java, but still) where this doesn't happen. I know it is how minecraft works, but many people have worked around it, and I want to see if there is a way of doing so in skript. By the way, thanks for replying.
You're welcome.

From my understanding this was something that changed in the last few versions of Minecraft.
To my knowledge, when the player's tool is altered, it refreshes the item in their hand, hence the movement of the item.
To my knowledge, there is no way around this.

If people found a way around it, they're most likely using NMS (Minecraft's backend code), and this would be extremely difficult to do in Skript.
I want to give the player an arrow every five seconds, but the held item always goes down (and resets bow charging) whenever an arrow is given. How do you give players items without this happening?
What you can do is set variables to the measure of how long it takes to charge a bow with every state of the bow's charge, then set another variable to the current time and see if the difference between and now and the variable that was set to the current time is greater than the variables containing how long it takes to charge a bow into its states, if that makes sense. Doing this would allow you to know what state the bow was in when the item refreshed, and you could set the bow's chargeback state.

Nevermind, you can't set a bow's state :v
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