Category: Other/Kills
Suggested name: None
Spigot/Skript Version: 1.15.2
What I want:
When a attacker hits the victim in the water the attacker gets a point/kill and the victim dont dies, it gets back teleported to the spawn. No commands needed just this attacker water thing.
Ideas for commands: None
Ideas for permissions: None
When I'd like it by: This week would be nice
Suggested name: None
Spigot/Skript Version: 1.15.2
What I want:
When a attacker hits the victim in the water the attacker gets a point/kill and the victim dont dies, it gets back teleported to the spawn. No commands needed just this attacker water thing.
Ideas for commands: None
Ideas for permissions: None
When I'd like it by: This week would be nice