GUI Shop not working?

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Feb 20, 2021
Command /casino:
open chest with 3 rows named "&4Køb poletter!" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 10 of player with music disc pigstep named "&6Heldig polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$7500"
format slot 12 of player with music disc strad named "&7Sølv polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$1000"

on inventory click:
inventory name of player's current inventory is "&4Køb poletter!":
if clicked slot is 10:
if player's balance is between 7500 and 10000000000000:
wait 1 tick
execute console command "eco take %player% 7500"
execute console command "goldencrates givekey %player% Heldig"
send "&4&lDu har ikke nok penge!" to player
if clicked slot is 12:
if player's balance is between 1000 and 10000000000000:
wait 1 tick
execute console command "eco take %player% 1000"
execute console command "goldencrates givekey %player% sølv"
send "&4&lDu har ikke nok penge!" to player

I just cant seem to figure out what is wrong here. Can someone please help me out?
record pigstep named "º6Heldig polet" is not a types.recipe (, line 5: format slot 10 of player with music disc pigstep named "&6Heldig polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$7500"')
[15:52:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: record strad named "º7S°lv polet" is not a types.recipe (, line 6: format slot 12 of player with music disc strad named "&7S°lv polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$1000"')

This is the error that comes up?
Try using this instead
if player's current inventory's name is "&4Køb poletter!":
Command /casino:
        open chest with 3 rows named "&4Køb poletter!" to player
        wait 1 tick
        format slot 10 of player with music disc pigstep named "&6Heldig polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$7500" to be unstealable
        format slot 12 of player with music disc strad named "&7Sølv polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$1000" to be unstealable

on inventory click:
    if name of player's current inventory is "&4Køb poletter!":
        if event-slot is 10:
            if player's balance is <= 7500:
                wait 1 tick
                execute console command "/eco take %player% 7500"
                execute console command "/goldencrates givekey %player% Heldig"
                send "&4&lDu har ikke nok penge!" to player
        if event-slot is 12:
            if player's balance is <= 1000:
                wait 1 tick
                execute console command "/eco take %player% 1000"
                execute console command "/goldencrates givekey %player% sølv"
                send "&4&lDu har ikke nok penge!" to player

this should work
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