Solved Giving permissions to player

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New Member
Mar 20, 2024
Hello, so I am trying to add permission to player but for some reason It does not work, everytime i reload skript it says "permissions of the player can't have anything added to it"
please someone help me
this is my skript

script options:
$ use permissions

on click:
player is holding white dye named "&f&ltest"
line 2 of lore of player's tool is "&7Right-Click to unlock"
if player does not have permission "test.permission":
play sound "item.totem.use" with volume 1.2 with pitch 0.8 at player
add "test.permission" to player's permissions
play 100 snowflake with speed 0.5 at location of player
broadcast "&a%player% &fhas unlocked this !"
if player has permission "test.permission":
send "&fYou have already unlocked this" to player

From what I know, using only skript with no extra addons, you cannot add permissions to the player. Are you using any addons?
i have Skellet SkQuery skRayFall MorazSK and Pesk but i already fixed it by using luckperms, Thanks for your reply