• Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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Oh ok, I hope you get better!

And since you are developing, Would you like to become our Lead Developer on our server?
Again joining the aforementioned server would put me in easier contact with you because we still have some things I need to work out with you before I can start planning the creation of this skript and I likely won't be able to access discord until late tomorrow.
Ok, I am so sorry but I am currently unable to join right now. But when you and me are able to play, I can make you Lead Dev on Expador and you can code from there, unless you prefer killandfish
Ok, I am so sorry but I am currently unable to join right now. But when you and me are able to play, I can make you Lead Dev on Expador and you can code from there, unless you prefer killandfish
That would work but as said, I cannot access discord right now and unfortunately that extends to minecraft. I can only access killandfish because I can access my pebblehost account.
Sorry about that, I should be able to play some time next week, but if you finish the code before that, I will be able to test and run it if you need me to as long as im at my computer
Look, I'm going to be frank with you.

You're asking me to undertake a very large project; remaking an entire large gamemode--bedwars--and then adding even MORE on top of it? This will likely take me several weeks, if not months.
Ok, that is perfectly fine. Take as long as you need. I am fine either way

Thank you so much!
hey bad news
I was trying to edit the code design
It worked,

but 1 error in the StaffChat system

in Line 17



the LP Prefix stopped working right as you left the console

Can you fix it? Sorry.

Remember i only made 1 error