Drawing board (Book or Chat)

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Regular Diner
Addon Developer
Jan 24, 2017
location of "LimeGlass" parsed as player
This is just a simple drawing system using JSON text components from Skellett that I made when testing stuff. lol

Needs Skellett.




    #Modes are Book or Chat
    #Book will make the drawing in a book
    #Chat will make the drawing in the chat. Pretty simple.
    Mode: "book"
    #If using chat mode. When should the script divide sections.
    Divider: 16
on script unload:
    delete {drawing::*}
command /draw [<text>] [<number>]:
        set {_colours::*} to "&4", "&c", "&6", "&e", "&2", "&a", "&b", "&3", "&1", "&9", "&d", "&5", "&f", "&7", "&8" and "&0"
        if {drawing::player::%player%::selected} is not set:
            set {drawing::player::%player%::selected} to "&0"
        if arg 1 is not set:
            add text component "        &8&l&nDrawing%nl%%nl%    &0&nColour selector%nl%" to {_components::*}
            loop size of {_colours::*} times:
                add 1 to {_number}
                set {_component} to new text component coloured "%{_colours::%{_number}%}%█"
                add click event with action RUN_COMMAND with execute "/draw select %{_number}%" to text component {_component}
                add hover event with action SHOW_TEXT with text "%{_colours::%{_number}%}%&oClick me to select this as your dye." to text component {_component}
                add {_component} to {_components::*}
            add new text component with "%nl%%nl%" to {_components::*}
            if {@Mode} is "chat":
                set {_divider} to {@Divider}
            loop 96 times:
                add 1 to {_slot}
                add 1 to {_divide}
                if {drawing::player::%player%::%{_slot}%} is not set:
                    set {drawing::player::%player%::%{_slot}%} to "&0"
                set {_component} to new text component coloured "%{drawing::player::%player%::%{_slot}%}%█"
                add click event with action RUN_COMMAND with execute "/draw draw %{_slot}%" to text component {_component}
                add {_component} to {_components::*}
                if {_divider} is set:
                    if {_divide} >= {_divider}:
                        clear {_divide}
                        add new text component with "%nl%" to {_components::*}                 
            if {@Mode} is "Book":
                set {_book} to a new written book
                add text components {_components::*} to book {_book}
                open book {_book} to player
                loop 50 times:
                    message " "
                message text components {_components::*} to player
        else if arg 1 is "clear":
            delete {drawing::player::%player%::*}
            message "&cCleared your drawing"
        else if arg 2 is set:
            if arg 1 is "select":
                set {drawing::player::%player%::selected} to "%{_colours::%arg 2%}%"
            else if arg 1 is "draw":
                set {drawing::player::%player%::%arg 2%} to {drawing::player::%player%::selected}
            execute player command "/draw"


  • Drawing.sk
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