I'm trying to make a recipe for a item im making but with orange dye name "&6Blaze Dust", the skript loads fine but doesn't work,
skript here:
Can someone please help me?
skript here:
command /recipeload:
permission: op
set {blazedust} to orange dye named "&6Blaze Dust"
set {recipeitem} to blaze rod named "&6Powered Fireball Shooter" with lore "&7Right click to use"
set {_recipe::*} to air, {blazedust} , air, {blazedust}, blaze rod named "&cUnknown Substance", {blazedust}, air, {blazedust}, air
set {id} to "cryitems:blazefireball"
register new shaped recipe for {recipeitem} with ingredients {_recipe::*} with id {id}
Can someone please help me?