i am making a gui (following a tutorial) and when i reload there is nothing wrong but when i try to execute the command it says unkown comman
command /headgui:
set metadata tag "headGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&6Head Gui"
set slot 13 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to player's skull named "&6%player%s Head" with lore "&7Click to get your head."
open (metadata tag "headGUI" of player) to player
on inventory click:
if event inventory = (metadata tag "headGUI" of player)
cancel event
if index of event-slot is 13:
give 1 of player's skull to player:
[doublepost=1654506402,1654452665][/doublepost]nevermind its fixed
command /headgui:
set metadata tag "headGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&6Head Gui"
set slot 13 of metadata tag "headGUI" of player to player's skull named "&6%player%s Head" with lore "&7Click to get your head."
open (metadata tag "headGUI" of player) to player
on inventory click:
if event inventory = (metadata tag "headGUI" of player)
cancel event
if index of event-slot is 13:
give 1 of player's skull to player:
[doublepost=1654506402,1654452665][/doublepost]nevermind its fixed