Solved ColorName skript

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Apr 10, 2017
Suggested name:
Spigot/Skript Version:
1.13.2 Spigot
What I want:

A color skript that opens a gui were you can select which color you want to change your name to.
/color <color> < command to change your ColorName
/namecolor < command that opens a Gui were you can change your namecolor

Ideas for commands:
/color <color> < command to change your ColorName
/namecolor < command that opens a Gui

Ideas for permissions:
color.use < All colors access

When I'd like it by: Soon as possible, thanks for reading <3
Here ya go:
command /color <string>:
    permission: color.use
        set {_c::*} to split "0123456789abcdef" at ""
        if {_c::*} does not contain arg-1:
            message "&cInvalid color! Use %join {_c::*} with "", ""%"
            set {color::%uuid of player%} to colored "&%arg-1%"
            message "&aColor changed to &%arg-1%%arg-1%"
command /namecolor:
    permission: color.use
        open chest inventory with 3 rows named "&aChoose a color" to player
        set {_c::*} to split "0123456789abcdef" at ""
        set {_items::*} to black wool, blue wool, green wool, cyan wool, red wool, purple wool, orange wool, gray wool, dark gray wool, light blue wool, light green wool, light blue wool, pink wool, magenta wool, yellow wool, white wool
        set {_i} to 0
        loop {_c::*}:
            set {_t} to loop-value
            create gui slot {_i} of player with {_items::%loop-index%} named colored "&%loop-value%%loop-value%" to run:
                make player execute command "color %{_t}%"
                close inventory of player
            add 1 to {_i}
on chat:
    {color::%uuid of player%} is set
    set nickname of player to "%{color::%uuid of player%}%%player%"
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