I wanted to make a spoofing system without the need for commands by just typing in the chat, as if it were a conversation between an npc and the player, for example:
(command /toggle)
NPC: Well let's start with your name, write it down in the chat "
* the player writes a word in the chat *
NPC: Well your new fake name is (word the player wrote)
And so with the genre too, I have been seeing many methods putting variables, I know that you have to use the "on chat", but I really don't know how to use two, I mean, if it came out with the name but not with the genre, I wanted to do something like this:
(command /toggle)
NPC: Well let's start with your name, write it down in the chat "
* the player writes a word in the chat *
NPC: Well your new fake name is (word the player wrote)
And so with the genre too, I have been seeing many methods putting variables, I know that you have to use the "on chat", but I really don't know how to use two, I mean, if it came out with the name but not with the genre, I wanted to do something like this: