So I recently had an Idea to create Factions on my RPG server. Somehow when I store a player's UUID to a list like {bloodlust::*}, and then send the message to that variable, It ain't work :/. Any idea how to do this?
My Code:
My Code:
on quit:
remove player's uuid from {bloodlust::*}
remove player's uuid from {vanguard::*}
delete {team.%player%}
command /faction [<text>] [<text>]:
if arg-1 is "join":
if {team.%player%} is not set:
if arg-2 is "bloodlust":
if {first.faction.%player%} is true:
set {team.%player%} to true
add player's uuid to {bloodlust::*}
set {first.faction.%player%} to false
set {cant.move.%player%} to false
send "&6Faction: &fJoined the &cBloodlusts &fteam!" to player
send "Error: You're already in a faction!" to player
if arg-2 is "vanguard":
if {first.faction.%player%} is true:
set {team.%player%} to true
add player's uuid to {vanguard::*}
set {first.faction.%player%} to false
set {cant.move.%player%} to false
send "&6Faction: &fJoined the &9Vanguard &fteam!" to player
send "Error: You're already in a faction!" to player
if arg-1 is "chat":
if {first.faction.%player%} is false:
if arg-2 is set:
if {bloodlust::*} contains player's uuid:
send "&6Faction: &f%player%: %arg-2%" to {bloodlust::*}
send "blody" to player
else if {vanguard::*} contains player's uuid:
send "&6Faction: &f%player%: %arg-2%" to {vanguard::*}
send "vany" to player
send "&cError: You aren't in a faction"
command /factionblood:
send "%{bloodlust::*}%" to player
command /factionvangu:
send "%{vanguard::*}%" to player