Receiving this not sure what needs indenting or changing lines affected are highlighted in pink
# AstralDrop - applies regeneration 1 and health boost 2 to the player for a short period of time. player must have ghast tear for Astral effects to be applied, (cooldown = 5 minutes). So on right click -> if player is holding ghast tear -> apply effects. if player doesn't have stick -> cancel
# Pogo Stick - launcher player into the air (push player upwards). Players must have stick for it to work, (cooldown of 15 seconds)
# AstralDrop - applies regeneration 1 and health boost 2 to the player for a short period of time. player must have ghast tear for Astral effects to be applied, (cooldown = 5 minutes). So on right click -> if player is holding ghast tear -> apply effects. if player doesn't have stick -> cancel
on right click holding ghast tear:
make player execute /astraldrop
command /astraldrop:
set {_waited} to difference between {astraldrop.%player%.lastused} and now
if {_waited} is less than 5 minutes:
message: &cYou're on cooldown! Wait 5 minutes before using this again!
player doesn't have ghast tear
cancel trigger
if {_waited} > 301 seconds:
apply potion of regeneration 2 to player for 6 seconds
apply potion of health boost to player for 14 seconds
message: &7You have used the power of the &f&lAstral Drop &7use this short burst of power wisely.
# Pogo Stick - launcher player into the air (push player upwards). Players must have stick for it to work, (cooldown of 15 seconds)
on right click holding stick:
make player execute /pogo
command /pogo
set {_waited} to difference between {pogo.%player%.lastused} and now
if {_waited} is less than 15 seconds:
message: &cYou're on cooldown! Wait 15 seconds before using this again!
player doesn't have stick
cancel trigger
if {_waited} > 16 seconds:
push player upwards
message: &7&oWhooosh
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