Attempting to create flamethrower, but particles not working.

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Nov 16, 2020
I'm attempting to create a flamethrower that shoots particles that will damage people and set them on fire. It's been fine, but I have been facing a "cannot understand this condition/effect" error message which refers to the drawLine script.

Here is the code thus far:

on rightclick:
player is holding stone hoe named "&4Flame Thrower" with lore "&4It's very hot"
if target living entity is set:
drawline particle flame, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target living entity, id 100, rainbowMode true, solid false, density 2, length 10, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1
if target block is set:
drawline particle flame, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target block, id 100, rainbowMode true, solid false, density 2, length 10, zigZag count 0, height 0, visibleRange 100, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 1

The indentation looks weird when posted on the forums but I assure you it's fine in reality.
Thanks in advance.
Hey there. The ID is a string, so instead of using 100 use "100". I believe that should fix your problem.
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