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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. MaiconH

    Script Mh_Warps (The most complete warps script you've ever seen) 1.0

    Dependencies: Paper 1.21 Skript 2.9x skript-yaml 1.5x SkBee 3.6.1x SkQuery Commands: Commands What is it for /Warp create (warp name) Used for create a new warp in your location. /Warp define [arg] Used for define ("location", "item", "name", "prefix", "lore" and "permission")...
  2. A

    Solved Help with warp skrip

    I have a warp skript, and I'm trying to make a way to set an item for a warp, using '/setWarp warpName warpItem'. All of that works, but when I open the GUI no matter what I named the warp, if I named it "OOF" it shows the name as "oof", please help, why is this happening, code: Thanks in...
  3. Aidanete

    Script WarpsManager 1.0

    WarpsManager Hello, I'm Aidanete and today I will show you my new and best creation at the moment. It's my biggest project and my favorite. What is WarpsManager? With WarpManager you can have in your hands the full control of warps, homes, a lobby, tpa, tpahere, back, sign-warp and the upcoming...
  4. Aidanete

    WarpsManager [Skript 2.2]

    WarpsManager Hello, I'm Aidanete and today I will show you my new and best creation at the moment. It's my biggest project and my favorite. What is WarpsManager? With WarpManager you can have in your hands the full control of warps, homes, a lobby, tpa, tpahere, back, sign-warp and the upcoming...
  5. Avaplays

    Script ★ sWarp (Player Warps) ★ UUID-Supported 1.1

    TESTED MINECRAFT VERSION: 1.8.* - 1.9.* MAYBE WORKS ON 1.10 TOO There aren't currently any donors yet. ★ Name Donated: 0.- Some words to say! Maybe a server address :D ★ EN This skript allows players on your server to create and manage their own warp points. ★ DE Dieses Skript...