I have a warp skript, and I'm trying to make a way to set an item for a warp, using '/setWarp warpName warpItem'. All of that works, but when I open the GUI no matter what I named the warp, if I named it "OOF" it shows the name as "oof", please help, why is this happening, code:
Thanks in advance!
~ AgentStrawberry
[doublepost=1631331398,1631322183][/doublepost]Please help
command setwarp <text> [<item>]:
permission: core.warps.set
permission message: &cNo perms!
usage: /setwarp <warpName> [item]
if arg-2 is set:
set {warpitems::%colored arg-1%} to arg-2
send "&bYou set &a%colored arg-1% &bto &a%location of player% &bwith &a%arg-2%"
send "&bYou set &a%colored arg-1% &bto &a%location of player%"
set {warps::%colored arg-1%} to location of block at player
command warps:
permission: core.warps.view
permission message: &cNo perms!
function openWarps(p: player):
if {warps::*} exists:
set {_l} to a chest inventory with 5 rows named "&5Server Warps"
set {_l} to a chest inventory with 5 rows named "&cServer Warps &8––– &cNone"
set {_x} to 0
loop {warps::*}:
if {warpitems::%colored loop-index%} is set:
set slot {_x} of {_l} to {warpitems::%colored loop-index%} named "%colored loop-index%"
set slot {_x} of {_l} to a oak sign named "%colored loop-index%"
add 1 to {_x}
open {_l} to {_p}
command clearwarps:
permission: core.warps.clear
permission message: &cNo perms!
delete {warps::*}
delete {warpitems::*}
send "&bWarps are deleted"
Thanks in advance!
~ AgentStrawberry
[doublepost=1631331398,1631322183][/doublepost]Please help