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  1. Yushaa

    Help with custom SMP Skript

    I'm trying to make it so u need a specific variable to be true to be able to withdraw the invis rogue so people cant withdraw it without having the variable on their player [it'd be nice if it said an error message too but its not needed] command /withdrawrogue <text>: trigger: if...
  2. Yushaa

    I need someone to make a skript for my SMP!

    Upon killing a player they drop an item called a "Rune" and when the player right clicks the Rune, they gain a random positive permanent effect they cannot lose even after dying. the only way to get rid of it is if the player does "/withdrawrune" which gives them the embued rune veil. The player...
  3. JesterThr0ugh

    HELP! Private SMP skript needed!

    Hello guys! Im starting a SMP called 'Reaper SMP' and i got a good twist! When you kill a player you get a cog (A effect) that is perm, until you die (player) it goes down by 1 level, or when you kill someone it guys up by 1, if u have 1 level and you get killed you get no effect. With these...
  4. JesterThr0ugh

    Hello! I need a customed coded skript for my SMP!

    Hello guys! Im starting a SMP called 'Reaper SMP' and i got a good twist! When you kill a player you get a cog (A effect) that is perm, until you die (player) it goes down by 1 level, or when you kill someone it guys up by 1, if u have 1 level and you get killed you get no effect. With these...
  5. Wavemelon

    Instant Damage has no delay

    So I've been making this plugin for an SMP and there's a problem with the effects that it gives. Basically, (like arrows) you can tip swords with potion effects, and there's a problem with the Instant Damage II effect where if you spam your sword, it can kill another player very quickly (which...
  6. P

    Solved Death = 30 minute ban

    Category: Death timer Suggested name: Spigot/Skript Version: lastest skript What I want: I want a system that puts the player into spectator for 30 minutes, then after 30 minutes bring the player back to their spawn location or spawn Ideas for commands: (you dont have to do these...
  7. emperorofwater

    could someone make a minecraft evolution skript for me

    like on command /evolve with a permission that changes what blocks can be used & crafted by players