Category: Death timer
Suggested name:
Spigot/Skript Version: lastest skript
What I want: I want a system that puts the player into spectator for 30 minutes, then after 30 minutes bring the player back to their spawn location or spawn
Ideas for commands: (you dont have to do these command only if you want)
/banlength - you can execute this command when you die to see how long you have left on your ban timer
/revive - must have permission die.revive and can revive a player from their ban timer
Ideas for permissions: die.revivie
When I'd like it by: As Soon As Possisable
Suggested name:
Spigot/Skript Version: lastest skript
What I want: I want a system that puts the player into spectator for 30 minutes, then after 30 minutes bring the player back to their spawn location or spawn
Ideas for commands: (you dont have to do these command only if you want)
/banlength - you can execute this command when you die to see how long you have left on your ban timer
/revive - must have permission die.revive and can revive a player from their ban timer
Ideas for permissions: die.revivie
When I'd like it by: As Soon As Possisable