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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. S

    Help with actions in Script

    I figured out how to register events, but I did not find information on how to implement them fully. That is: I was able to display a message in the chat during the event and that's it. What other actions can be done, I just don’t know how to do it, and I can’t find information either, please help!
  2. H

    i have a problem with pathfinder!

    Hi i have trobles with pathfind function from skquery! i maded command what summon entity and make's entity walk to the defined by another command point. When i use this command it sends to me on chat: "An interral error occured while attempting to perform this command!" what i need to fix it...
  3. crazedorangutan

    Armor Stand Projectiles

    Category: Request or Help Suggested name: BlasterCode Spigot/Skript Version: 1.16.5 What I want: I need the code, or at least knowledge of the code on how to make custom projectiles like you see on Hypixel or Mineplex. I couldn't find anything online even though it's such a crucial part of...
  4. C

    Problem With Variables

    i am trying to recreate parts of skyfactory like silkworms and i have tried to do it but i can't get it to work properly on right click: if {Running} is equal to 1: if targeted block is oak leaves: if distance between targeted block and player is less than or equal to 5...
  5. S

    Initial Initialization error

    Hey, i have some Problems with my Addon 'Coins': Its planned to be a simple Coins Plugin with Config. It starts normal without any Problems, if you (re)load the Skript with the Code it says everything is okay, but if you execute the code it says 'An internal error occured while attempting to...