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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. F

    I Can't Get A Player To Be Forced To Execute A Command.

    Can you please hep me ? So I am having trouble with getting a player to be forced to execute a command that is triggered by an event or a loop so for example I have an NPC and I coded a script to where an event is triggered when this specific NPC is clicked here is my block of code : on right...
  2. E

    Making Corpses

    Category: Armorstands, Beds, Citizens, Npc Suggested name: Corpses What I want: A remake of the corpses plugin in Skript. (Spawns an NPC when the player dies, so it looks like they died and they're on the floor) Also if the player dies in mid...
  3. YourMCAdmin

    Delete NPCs by name?

    Skript Version:2.2-dev23 Skript Author:Bensku Minecraft Version:1.11.2 Other plugins used: Skellett Citizens (all up to date) --- I have spawned in an NPC with the following code: set {_npc} to a npc with name "%player%'s NPC" and entity type "WITCH" spawn npc {_npc} at {_npcSpawnLoc} NPC...