no errors

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  1. P

    Solved Problem with upgrading (no errors)

    I'm trying to make a skript where when you right click with it, it'll upgrade the pickaxe. Not gonna show the full skript, but if you wan't it i'll give it to you the issue: every tick: loop all players: if amount of {pick::*} = 2: replace wooden pickaxe named "&7Wooden...
  2. S

    I am trying to make a /compress gui

    Problem: My functions dosnt work but i dont get any errors so if anyone could help me it would really make me happy :) Code: function compresssel(p: player, i: itemtype, i2: itemtype, done: text): set {_amount} to amount of {_i} in {_p}'s inventory open chest inventory with 5 rows named...
  3. V

    I'm making a trading script but something is wrong

    Please help me, I'm trying to make a trading script and I have no idea why its not working. The problem is somewhere in the "else if {%player%::tradepos} is 2:" or before. I'm not sure since there is no errors but from the right side of the trading menu can players not accept the trades...
  4. J

    [NO ERRORS] Please help

    This command doesn't do anything, not even when i type it in the chat manually. What can I do to fix it? OBS: there are 0 errors when i reload the skript, and I've tried a lot of stuff to fix this, i can't get anything to work btw, don't think about the fact that it's not in english. It's...