Problem: My functions dosnt work but i dont get any errors so if anyone could help me it would really make me happy 
function compresssel(p: player, i: itemtype, i2: itemtype, done: text):
set {_amount} to amount of {_i} in {_p}'s inventory
open chest inventory with 5 rows named "&aCompress Select" to {_p}
loop 45 times:
format gui slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p} with lime stained glass pane named " "
format gui slot 10 of {_p} with 4 of glowing {_i} named "&a&lCompress &ex4" with lore "&7Click me to compress!" to run function compress({_p}, {_i}, 256, 4, {_i2}, {done})
format gui slot 12 of {_p} with 8 of glowing {_i} named "&a&lCompress &ex8" with lore "&7Click me to compress!" to run function compress({_p}, {_i}, 512, 8, {_i2}, {done})
format gui slot 14 of {_p} with 16 of glowing {_i} named "&a&lCompress &ex16" with lore "&7Click me to compress!" to run function compress({_p}, {_i}, 1024, 16, {_i2}, {done})
format gui slot 16 of {_p} with 32 of glowing {_i} named "&a&lCompress &ex32" with lore "&7Click me to compress!" to run function compress({_p}, {_i}, 2048, 32, {_i2}, {done})
format gui slot 22 of {_p} with 129 of glowing {_i} named "&a&lCompress All" with lore "&7Click me to compress!" to close
format gui slot 36 of {_p} with 1 of arrow named "&c&lGo Back" with lore "&7Click me to go back" and "&7to the &aCompress Page" to run {_p} command "compress comp"
format gui slot 40 of {_p} with 1 of {_i} named "&a&lBlocks:" with lore "&2%{_i}%&6: &ax%{_amount}%"
format gui slot 44 of {_p} with 1 of barrier named "&c&lClose" with lore "&7Click me to close the GUI" to close
function compress(p: player, i: itemtype, amount: number, amount2: number, i2: itemtype, donename: text):
if {_p} have {_amount} of {_i}:
remove {_amount} of {_i} from {_p}'s inventory
give {_p} {_amount2} of {_i2} named "%{_donename}%" with lore "&7Mending" and "&7UnPlacable"
send "&aYou sucessfully compressed &ex%{_amount2}% %{_i}%" to {_p}
send "&cYou dont have enought!" to {_p}
command /compress [<text>]:
if arg-1 is not set:
open chest inventory with 3 rows named "&aCompress&6/&cDecompress" to player
loop 27 times:
format gui slot (loop-number - 1) of player with green stained glass pane named " "
format gui slot 12 of player with 1 of lime concrete with lore "&7Click to &abuy!" to run player command "compress comp"
format gui slot 14 of player with 1 of red concrete with lore "&7Click to &abuy!" to run player command "compress decomp"
format gui slot 22 of player with 1 of barrier named "&c&lClose" with lore "&7Click to close" to close
if arg-1 is "comp":
open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&a&lCompress" to player
loop 54 times:
format gui slot (loop-number - 1) of player with lime stained glass pane named " "
format gui slot 10 of player with 1 of oak log with lore "&7Click to &aCompress" to run function compresssel(player, oak log, oak log, &7&lCompressed wood)
if arg-1 is "decomp":
open chest inventory with 6 rows named "&4&lDeCompress" to player
loop 54 times:
format gui slot (loop-number - 1) of player with red stained glass pane named " "
if arg-1 is not "decomp" or "comp":
send "&7Correct Usage: &8/compress (comp/decomp)"