[NO ERRORS] Please help

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Apr 27, 2018
This command doesn't do anything, not even when i type it in the chat manually.
What can I do to fix it?
OBS: there are 0 errors when i reload the skript, and I've tried a lot of stuff to fix this, i can't get anything to work

btw, don't think about the fact that it's not in english. It's danish :emoji_grinning:

EDIT!!: It's only the GUI part that doesn't work. If i type /mute2 <player> 15, it works fine, but it just doesn't wanna open up the GUI?

    servernavn: &7[&9&lG&c&lo&e&lo&9&lg&a&ll&c&le &d&lPrison&7]
    #Block til flere tider
    fleretider: yellow wool
    #Mute tider i minutter
    mute.sprog: 15
    mute.spam: 10
    mute.caps: 5

command /mute2 [<player>] [<number>]:
    permission: server.admin
    permission message: &cDu har ikke adgang til denne command!
        if arg-2 is not set:
            wait 10 ticks
            open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMUTE - &c%arg-1% - &6Flere tider" to player
            wait 3 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with {@fleretider} named "&615 Minutter" with lore "&eKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &415 minutter" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 15"]
            format slot 1 of player with {@fleretider} named "&630 Minutter" with lore "&eKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &430 minutter" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 30"]
            format slot 2 of player with {@fleretider} named "&61 Time" with lore "&eKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &41 Time" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 1"]
            format slot 3 of player with {@fleretider} named "&62 Timer" with lore "&eKlikKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &42 Timer" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 2"]
            format slot 4 of player with {@fleretider} named "&64 Timer" with lore "&eKlikKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &44 Timer" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 4"]
            format slot 5 of player with {@fleretider} named "&68 Timer" with lore "&eKlikKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &48 Timer" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 8"]
            format slot 6 of player with {@fleretider} named "&624 Timer" with lore "&eKlikKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &424 Timer" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 24"]
            format slot 7 of player with {@fleretider} named "&62 Døgn" with lore "&eKlikKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &42 Døgn" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 48"]
            format slot 8 of player with {@fleretider} named "&61 Uge" with lore "&eKlikKlik for at mute &4%arg-1% &ci &41 Uge" to close then run [player command "/mute2 %arg-1% 168"]
        if arg-2 is 15:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &415 minutter &caf &4%player%"
            wait 15 minutes
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 30:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &430 minutter &caf &4%player%"
            wait 30 minutes
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 1:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &41 Time &caf &4%player%"
            wait 1 hour
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 2:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &42 Timer &caf &4%player%"
            wait 2 hours
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 4:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &44 Timer &caf &4%player%"
            wait 4 hours
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 8:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &48 Timer &caf &4%player%"
            wait 8 hours
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 24:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &424 Timer &caf &4%player%"
            wait 24 hours
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 48:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &42 Døgn &caf &4%player%"
            wait 48 hours
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
        if arg-2 is 168:
            set {mute.%arg-1%} to 1
            broadcast "{@servernavn} &4%arg-1% &cer blevet mutet i &41 Uge &caf &4%player%"
            wait 168 hours
            if {mute.%arg-1%} is 1:
                set {mute.%arg-1%} to 0
                message "&2&lUNMUTE: &aDu kan nu skrive igen!" to arg-1
on chat:
    if {mute.%player%} is 1:
        cancel event
        message "&4&lMUTE: &cDu kan ikke skrive når du er mutet!"
Don't use wait 8 hours it will reset when the server stops

Don't use skript Guis Use TuSKe or SkQuery

Use booleans (true/false) instead of 0 and 1 [Same work but you'll need booleans sometimes]

Use "broadcast "<message>" in (player/loop-player/event-player)'s world instead of direct broadcast because that will broadcast this in all worlds and servers if you're using BungeeCord
Don't use wait 8 hours it will reset when the server stops

Don't use skript Guis Use TuSKe or SkQuery

Use booleans (true/false) instead of 0 and 1 [Same work but you'll need booleans sometimes]

Use "broadcast "<message>" in (player/loop-player/event-player)'s world instead of direct broadcast because that will broadcast this in all worlds and servers if you're using BungeeCord
How can I then do it, if I can't use wait 8 hours?
How can I then do it, if I can't use wait 8 hours?
And I really wanna do it with skript guis cuz thats how I learned it, and it works with everything else
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