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  1. S

    Help kill stack mobs

    My Skript has the function of killing an amount of mobs stacks. on death of zombie: if attacker is a player: set {_drops} to number of drops clear drops set {_name} to name of victim # Before this x has a number that represents the amount of mobs in a stack # I...
  2. B

    Mob attack player

    How can i do this when the player is in the near from the zombie that all zombies run to the player and attack him and if the player is far away that the far away zombies stand still and cant move Sry my english is bad
  3. Runakai

    Solved Make mob follow player

    Hello, me again :emoji_slight_smile: I was searching on Googlygu how to make mobs follow players. Then I found this: command /bass: trigger: spawn a pig at location of player set the display name of the last spawned pig to "&C%player%'s Pet" set the target of the...
  4. Spartan9802

    Infernal mobs error with skript

    Hello, I have a mistake with infernal mobs I think it's related to skript can you help me? My error: 30.08 22:02:40 [Server] ERROR The server has stopped responding! 30.08 22:02:40 [Server] ERROR Please report this to 30.08 22:02:40 [Server] ERROR Be sure to include ALL...