My Skript has the function of killing an amount of mobs stacks.
on death of zombie:
if attacker is a player:
set {_drops} to number of drops
clear drops
set {_name} to name of victim
# Before this x has a number that represents the amount of mobs in a stack
# I wanted to setar the number of mobs in variable {_name}
if {_name} contais "x Zombie":
if {_name} has number:
set {_name} to number of victim name
set {_drops} to {_drops} * {_name}
add {_drops} to {zombie.%attacker%}
# The code doesn't work and I'm already on time trying to make it work nothing else worked out
# Help Me please
on death of zombie:
if attacker is a player:
set {_drops} to number of drops
clear drops
set {_name} to name of victim
# Before this x has a number that represents the amount of mobs in a stack
# I wanted to setar the number of mobs in variable {_name}
if {_name} contais "x Zombie":
if {_name} has number:
set {_name} to number of victim name
set {_drops} to {_drops} * {_name}
add {_drops} to {zombie.%attacker%}
# The code doesn't work and I'm already on time trying to make it work nothing else worked out
# Help Me please