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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Ali Tuna BAYLAN

    Voting Skript

    Usage: /votestart [option1] [option2] [time] command /votestart <text> <text> <number = 20>: permission: op trigger: set {vote1} to arg-1 set {vote2} to arg-2 set {opt1} to 0 set {opt2} to 0 open chest with 1 rows named "&bVote" to all players...
  2. T

    i need help with this skript it says "'set {placedgens::%value%} to 0' is not an entry (like name =

    variables: set {starttries} to 1 command /start: trigger: remove 1 from {starttries} if {starttries} >= 0: stop else: make player execute command "/plots auto" give player 5 hay block named "&eWheat Gen" Its okay guys i manged...
  3. I

    Solved Beacon Every 30 minutes

    How Do i make a skript where for example every 30 minutes since the server has started it will give all players 1 beacon
  4. P

    Problems with data values

    Script Version: 2.6.1 Script Author: TPGamesNL Minecraft Version: 1.18.1 Full Code: command /testthisstuff: trigger: loop all blocks in radius 3 around player: if loop-block is wheat plant: set data value of loop-block to 2 Errors on Reload: There is no...
  5. W

    I am having some issues with my Minecraft java skript.

    SOLVED I am having some issues With this skript: command /,: trigger: make console execute command "teleport %{_player}% 423 71 131"
  6. M

    Loop Player Prefix with Luckperms

    Hi all, First time on this forum, because I didn't get something to work. What I want is a tabname for every player on the server with a Luckperms Prefix. My code: on join: set {server_tps_5} to placeholder "server_tps_5" set {luckperms_groups} to placeholder "luckperms_groups"...
  7. F

    Script Very basic smelting skript 2021-11-26

    Basic Skript made in 5 minutes for smelting, How to add more? [Advance!] DISCLAMER: THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD SCRIPT. THIS WAS MADE IN 5 MINUTES SO DO NOT COMPLAIN IF ITS BAD! Thank you!
  8. DieHollander_

    DieHollander's Skript Development

    Hey everybody! Like the title of this thread said, I'm a Skript Developer. Let me introduce myself to you: My name is Kian (aka DieHollander), I'm 18 years old, and live in The Netherlands. I think it's about 6 years ago that I started learning Skript, so I'm pretty experienced with it. My...
  9. D

    Spreading Block Skript

    I am struggling to figure out how to make this work...I want a block to spread 1 block away from it and repeat. It cannot replace a block of air, stone, or water.
  10. P

    Solved Problem with upgrading (no errors)

    I'm trying to make a skript where when you right click with it, it'll upgrade the pickaxe. Not gonna show the full skript, but if you wan't it i'll give it to you the issue: every tick: loop all players: if amount of {pick::*} = 2: replace wooden pickaxe named "&7Wooden...
  11. C


    Hi, Can I somehow display the Minecraft time? (The time that can be changed with /time set ?)
  12. Haloxx

    How do i make a random chance to drop an item when an ore is broken?

    i have this code right now add gold to {freeitems::*} add diamond to {freeitems::*} add diamond sword of sharpness 10 to {freeitems::*} add iron axe of efficiency 4 and fortune 2 to {freeitems::*} add iron picaxe of efficiency 20 and unbreaking 10 named "OP Pic" to {freeitems::*} add diamond...
  13. A

    Help with skript (if player has permission, do xyz...)

    Hi! My skript I'm trying to create is to give out a golden shovel. If the player has the permission "GP.shovel", they can type the command "/shovel" (which every rank has.) If the player has the permission "GP.shovel.use", they can receive one golden shovel per five minutes. It will then send...
  14. F3lipe

    Skungee - Script Rewrite

    Hey! I'm new here. I've got an script that's executing luckperms commands and playsound with title/subtitle I would like it to get executed on whole network. Could you please help me to rewrite it for skungee? :) I would be so happy, and thankful <3 changing it to bungee players didn't work...
  15. P

    Umm.. Help

    Hey, so i have been making an Among Us in Minecraft but i have hit some roadblockers. My problem is that, is there a possible way to make a hologram or some kind of clickable thingy, if the player has the "task" they can see it. Like if {task1.player} is true then it shows?
  16. D

    Make minecarts movable without rails

    Hello, I have a question, namely how can you make a car with script, so that when you get into a certain lore that it can then drive without rails underneath?
  17. J

    Solved Duel Clicked Player

    Hello. How can I make that if I do a right click on a player that this is then challenged with a certain command? Example: execute player command "/ 1vs1 duel %{clicked.player}%" Spigot Version: 1.8.8
  18. D

    Solved How to update a sign every 3 seconds?

    Hello, I'm doing a lobby system for my server and I'm stuck with a problem with the sign system: How can I update a sign every 3 seconds so that the sign shows the number of players in a world (and so that the number is updated as well)?
  19. Danic

    Is there any way to completely disable the shift key in GUI?

    I am making various GUIs. And I found a error. That is, when I press the shift key and the mouse button together, the items in the GUI are automatically imported in my inventory It cans be a fatal flaw in my project. How can I stop it? I want to ask : Is there any way to completely disable the...
  20. A

    Solved PerWorldHunger Skript

    Is there a way to do a perworldhunger skript? ((HAVE DIFFERENT HUNGER IN EVERY WORLD)) Please, I want very much, I don't find a skript like what I say :(