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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. VampTheSkripter

    Adding Perms to a player?

    I need help! add "%arg-3%" to arg-2's permission Whenever I do that, an error pops up saying: "Permissions of the 2nd argument can't have anything added to it." And Yes, I do have SkQuery. The same thing goes with removing perms from a player's permission.
  2. G

    Skript Issue - Cursor Slot Expressions

    Hello all. Following is a issue with skripts cursor slot expression: on inventory click: if player's cursor slot is nether_star: send "1" if the lore of player's cursor slot contains coloured "&7whatever": if clicked item is iron pickaxe: It returns "cursor...
  3. S

    Solved Create World Skript error

    So, using this code options: P: &8[&bServer&8] command /createworld <integer>: permission: skript.op usage: /createworld <radius> trigger: if arg 1 is a number: execute console command "/mvdelete UHC" broadcast "&a%command sender% &7is deleting...