help me please

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  1. D

    Solved I need help in my script

    I have no idea why I get an error with this code: on join: set {} to true on place of diamond block: if {} is true: wait 3 second set event-block to green clay wait 1 second set event-block to yellow clay wait 1 second set event-block to red clay wait 1 second set...
  2. Q

    I need help with a script

    hey I want to edit "MyChunk" script to add notify on enter function to it (better explained) I want to make a title massage when somebody goes inside a claimed chunk and a title massage when somebody leaves an claimed chunk but I don't have any Idea how to can add this function (sorry still...
  3. E

    Mob stacking

    The following code is to stack mobs on spawn of zombie: "%spawn reason%" = "spawner" set metadata "spawnerspawned" of event-entity to true loop all entities in radius 20 of event-entity: loop-entity is a zombie metadata "spawnerspawned" of loop-entity is set...
  4. V

    tuske skript errors

    So i writed a Tuske gui skript but i am getting the error : Can't understand this condition/effect full error link: here code: here