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  1. Doodle

    Solved Set player's suffix not working anymore

    So I haven't done that much skripting in a while, but I have a major issue. There used to be this expression called "player's suffix". IT'S GONE (in the new skript version). I don't know how long it was gone for since I haven't updated skript in a long time, but this is like.. bad. Same with...
  2. lemonfrenzy_

    Revive skript help

    I'm trying to make a command for "/revive" that revives the player and adds them to an alivelist, its meant to set "{alive::%player%}" to true, but how can i stop it from showing an extra number on the scoreboard for alive players? code below command /revive <player>: permission...
  3. 4bugser

    Speed remover kit

    function elystra(p: player): set {_random} to a random integer between 1 and 1 if {_random} = 1: clear inventory of {_p} wait 1 tick equip {_p} with 1 diamond helmet of protection 3 equip {_p} with 1 iron leggings of protection 3 equip {_p} with 1...
  4. Yushaa

    Can someone make a sword named &dBlade Of Gaia that gains +1 sharpness level per kill?

    Can someone make a sword named &dBlade Of Gaia that gains +1 sharpness level per kill? I also want the sharpness maximum to be 10
  5. S

    There's no player in a periodical event

    Hello, i'm trying to do a scoreboard where it can show your job in a game i'm working on. In my first script I set {job::%player%} as the players job and in script 2 (scoreboard script), i try to use that variable but it gives me an error saying "There's no player in a periodical event". I've...
  6. SkillAura

    Lightning Sword

  7. TheDever

    Tablist Prefixes

    - Problem So i made a tablist skript but i got 2 problems. 1# - It only shows to 1 person in the server. 2# - I don't know how to do the prefix on tablist. Any Help? Here is my skript! ```every second: loop all players: set loop-player's tab list header to "&e%nl%&e&lSPACESSKIES...
  8. J

    ban hammer code not working

    i'm new to skripting, i dont see what's wrong with this code on damage: ---damage is caused by an attack ----victim is a player ----if attacker is holding a netherite axe named "&0<bold>Ban &4<bold>Hammer": -------broadcast "&8<bold>%victim% &7Has been banned by %attacker% using &0<bold>Ban...
  9. M

    Help with NBT Compounds

    Ever since NBT compounds came out, I haven't been able to use NBT in the same way I used to. I'm trying to make what would have previously been a simple script that sets the player head to the specified SkullOwner, but every solution I think of doesn't work. Can you guys give any advice? Here's...
  10. N

    idk how to make this teleport player to other server

    im struggling at a skript were i can teleport a player to a other server if anyone can help me pls help :)
  11. M

    Shuffle inventory

    Category:Troll Suggested name: Shuffle Spigot/Skript Version: 2.6.4 What I want: I want a command /shuffle <player> that shuffles every item in player's inventory Ideas for commands: /shuffle Ideas for permissions: shuffe.allow When I'd like it by: no specific time
  12. V

    How can i check the inventory for all different heads?

    Hi! Im using the skript version 2.6.4, and i've got this 'problem': if player's inventory contains more than 1 ...: Im curios about, what i should type so it works for every single head in the inventory. Things like "player head" or "minecraft head" doesn't work, so do you guys have any idea...
  13. L

    Killaura Bot Skript Not Working

    I recently searched some skript to spawn a killaura bot around a player to detect if he is cheating. I installed citizens and skellet with npc true in config.yml I don't know how to fix it command /adminbot <player>: trigger: circleBot(arg-1) message "&eChecking %arg-1%!" set...
  14. M

    Why loop not working

    command /joindungeon: trigger: if {dungeon.begin} is false: if {dungeon.%player%.begin} is false: set {dungeon.%player%.begin} to true add player to {dungeons.players.list::*}...
  15. M

    Solved Can someone help me console not executing command

    command /joindungeon: trigger: if {dungeon.begin} is false: if {dungeon.%player%.begin} is false: set {dungeon.%player%.begin} to true add player to {dungeons.players.list::*}...
  16. Yodexx

    I can't delete a skript-holo hologram!

    Ayooo! I'm trying to skript a crates system (it's been going well), and with the crates system I added a "You have: # crates!" hologram using skript-holo. But I screwed up with one thing, I can't make it so it refreshes. :I Anyways, I can't delete this messed up hologram because I didn't...
  17. R

    Scoreboard flickers all of the sudden

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.5.3 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Addons: Skrayfall,SkQuery,Skellett,TuSKe,Skbee This system worked fine yesterday, all of the sudden it's constantly flickering. Why? And how do I fix it? https://pastebin.com/BCNWMWZw
  18. bpitcher2013

    Give all players fireball

    Hello I am making a event shop where you can buy things for events but I dont understand why this wont work, I have read the docs and im sill confused on how to do this I want it to give all players a fire charge name &cfireball Addons: Skquery, SkTuSKe, SkRayFall command /fireball...
  19. bpitcher2013

    Solved How to see if rank is

    Hello i have read the docs but i cant understand them this is what i have Minecraft Version:1.6.3 Skript: on death: if player's group is god make console execute command pex user %player% add Donor.list Errors: Can't understand this condition/effect: if player's group is...
  20. Yodexx

    Make items undropable

    Soo uuh... I'm trying to make a compass for my server spawn, where you can't drop it. And I've tried to search all over forums, docs, web etc and found nothing. :I So what is the best way to make items non dropable? I tried this: on drop: if player's tool is compass: if name of...