database connection

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  1. C


    Hello to all scripters! Do you think it will be possible to use the database with Skript? If yes, how? Thank you! (Ver 1.19)
  2. F

    Database skript error

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.6.2 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: git-Purpur-1171 (MC: 1.16.5) Full Code: # ==== Variables ==== databases: # Databases to store variables in. These can either be used as a simple one-server-storage # where variables are written...
  3. K

    Config MySQL - MySQLWorkbench

    Hello. I am trying to setup a database between two servers for Skript, and I believe I have set it up correctly. However, now im testing it, it seems to not update an variable on the 2nd server, when changed on the 1st server. I got advised to go and check if the tables in the database were...
  4. K

    Config MySQL - MySQLWorkbench

    Hello. I am trying to setup a database between two servers for Skript, and I believe I have set it up correctly. However, now im testing it, it seems to not update an variable on the 2nd server, when changed on the 1st server. I got advised to go and check if the tables in the database were...
  5. HiiqhFive

    Script MySQL MANAGER! [Skript 2.2, skQuery] 1.1.201

    MySQL MANAGER! for Skript 2.2 and SkQuery 3 This system allows you to manage your own database connections in a script without using the database connection from the config! !!ATTENTION!! This script is only a REUPLOAD! All credits are going to LeVence! DEPENDENCIES • Skript (at least...