block place

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  1. FoxCraftGaming

    Block placing not working

    Hey everyone, so i have this skript here without any errors, but if players change their own color, the placed block is still white, or if i place a red wool. its stays red. what am i doing wrong?? Skript:
  2. C

    Solved Saving Who Placed What Beacon

    I am trying to save who placed what beacon for a game. When the beacon is broken the team only has one more life similar to bedwars. I'm a beginner and am sourcing most of my stuff off of the docs but I could not find anything that is like this. I was trying stuff with saving it to variables but...
  3. A

    Players can only place tnt in region

    Hi, I wrote my very first skript today on a collaborative server with a lot of people who know more than me, but they're all offline for a while lol I'd like for non-op players to not be able to place any block other than tnt in the region "PeasantVillage." Help would be much appreciated!
  4. K

    Define a placed block

    So I've been trying to make a skript that makes a block such as dirt to have multiple drops. (basically a separate type of block) I've tried variables such as: on place: set {grass::%event-block%} to true on break: if {grass::%event-block%} is true: chance of 60%...
  5. Z

    On place of a modifiable list of blocks

    Skript Version: Skript 2.4.1-MH Minecraft Version: 1.15 Problematic code: on block place: set event-block to {_event-block} if {builderReq} contains {_event-block}: add 1 to {builder.%player%} broadcast "[debug] li1" else: broadcast "[debug] li2" #...
  6. B

    Solved Block place on location dont work

    Minecraft ver. 1.13.2 (Spigot) Skript: Skript bensku-2.3.1 Why this dont work D: There are no errors and i think "if location of clicked block is {loc.test}:" is the Problem on Load: set {loc.test} to the location at -524, 94, -85 in world "Survival1" on rightclick: if clicked block...
  7. D

    Solved Help With Click on air

    Hello, I'm currently trying to log every creeper egg placed by a player. I tried two approach to this but both don't seem to work. My first attempt is here: on place a spawner_egg:50: log "%player% placed CreeperEgg in %world% at %location of block%" to "creeper/creeperplacement.yml"...
  8. Sitieno14

    Script BreakPlaceBlock 0.1

    Rules: - Please don't remove "Plugin made by Sitieno14" - Don't sell this plugin - You are free to share this plugin with anyone, but do not claim the plugin as yours Contact: - Skype: sitieno14 Please if you find a bug contact me on skype reporting it and i will fix it with a new version...