So I've been trying to make a skript that makes a block such as dirt to have multiple drops. (basically a separate type of block)
I've tried variables such as:
on place:
set {grass::%event-block%} to true
on break:
if {grass::%event-block%} is true:
chance of 60%:
drop 5 gold ingots
chance of 40%:
drop 3 gold ingots
chance of 10%:
drop 2 gold ingots
chance of 45%:
drop wheat seeds named "&a&lGrass Seeds"
I thought that would work but it didn't can someone help me with this?
I've tried variables such as:
on place:
set {grass::%event-block%} to true
on break:
if {grass::%event-block%} is true:
chance of 60%:
drop 5 gold ingots
chance of 40%:
drop 3 gold ingots
chance of 10%:
drop 2 gold ingots
chance of 45%:
drop wheat seeds named "&a&lGrass Seeds"
I thought that would work but it didn't can someone help me with this?